AI Settings BIG BUG

LoL I too was using a build that I copied off another wizard that annihilated me, ages ago. But I’ve turned over a new leaf and with a bit of knowledge I managed to gather here and with the help of @CuzegSpiked I’ve managed to make my “own” too. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: although I often wonder if someone else has already used it/them and shared the same idea. Chances are - yeah, someone has but it feels authentic to me because it’s something I never studied off someone else, neither suggested by another person. Pure logic and innovation, yet it most likely already exists.

I think it should be fair to say that the build isn’t copied if this is the case? :joy: yah or nah?

I dont copy someones build just an expirement. I dont use it now already (its already dumped) :joy:.

Immortals affected by bleed but in just small dmg received. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’ve dealt about 19k bleed on immortals on round 2 still wasn’t enough to kill them huhuhuh

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You may as well blow fart bubbles at 'em. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Hahaha xD