BATTLE Arena Rewards Disappear

What’s even cooler was my very first post being very popular and very helpful, even to this day. The aftermath build. When I thought I was the best at that time but I wasn’t but I aimed to help everyone. Turns out, that helped make arena use aftermath builds and aftermath PvE build.

I remember when forums was more biased to warrior or rogue and less towards wizards but nowadays, it’s kid and match, especially with hybrid class builds with using other class abilities .

I may work on a unique wizard and other class PvP build that don’t use Battlemage and unexpected but powerful in arena as well. Discordance Orb rogue certainly wasn’t expected in arena but I knew it could help , even though I had low expectations.

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Now that you mention 2v2 is angelic worth it in arena? Also ally healing too?

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Yep. Ally healing I don’t know. Probably not due to low % but it could make a good build maybe. 2+ immortals could be annoying though at once.
also tanky summoners (reminds me of clogons tanky Timemage aftermath shock build from 2.0 that also uses summons to make it harder).

Double mitigate sounds good but it’s too low of % to make a huge difference. Same with hyper armour , though nothing stops them being used.

Although in 2v2, I can definitely see +1 Stack Debuff added to both shock builds for huge extra shock DMG and other things.

Awesome… Lmao ive been reading the angelic bonus and id love to try it in arena 2v2 but its back to farming for me now xD

xD. Even though I’m rich in supply, I am almost bankrupt just for redoing my farm build. Hopefully it pays for in long run and is faster. My riches were hidden since I was never bothered to convert my 6k emeralds, 9k fluroite and stuff like that until recently. I always played the bankrupt person just so I can be wiser with my crystal decisions, which certainly worked.

I hope I have a bit of juice for a couple more builds. I’m not as full in supply like Griffin, Cronos, Skaul android those lot unfortunately but then again, I didn’t play all that much after some time but I’m definitely playing more just so I can still get 99 of every crystal ever.

I’m also concerned about running out of crystals to roll maps and a lot were gone due to pet rerolls for many builds. Well time to farm farm farm .

double mitigate average reduction is less than a crystal dodge

Yeah that’s the issue. It would be have been better if it had a MUCH higher percentage but then it would be extremely powerful. Then again, it would allow some flexibility , although easier immortals could have happened.

Hyper armour is meh at best but it could have had more % to really be worth using in arena. I mean it’s still probably used . Maybe at 18% or so could have been a bit better. Although in PvE, it would have a really high value. Ok maybe not that high but something.

Even in PvE , double mitigate has such low % . If it had been quite high, maybe more survival builds in floor climber could return as a way to add variety. Even though pure DMG still rules, making DMG Reduction way easier in campaign could be good second option if DMG reduction values are huge.

Dauntless helps for example , defiant , pathfinder and some others but if DMG reduction could get really high there, maybe more variety of floor climbing builds (although pure DMG will still Ultimately win since 100% DMG Reduction could be impossible).

I mean arena battles would certainly take a lot more time if DMG Reduction was that much easier than it already is (pretty easy right now).

But then again, high DMG builds in arena could greatly benefit for a chance to have higher DMG Reduction than possible . Although I think it’s probably better if arena could be a little less tanky or a better way to end stalemates quicker.

The issue of a 18% Hyper Armor is that we would see people with 100% DMG reduction on arena, coz eternal versions.

True. xD. I mean 99% damage Reduction is already possible anyway, albeit very tricky but it has been done. The issue is that becoming more common.

It is what you say, my calcs led me to another conclusion.