Battle Arena ๐Ÿ˜‘

1M starting HP? :astonished::astonished:

it doesnt have any damage reduction. it easy to defeat that build. also the power level wont kill you

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Iโ€™m an eternal noob :grin:
Need to upgrade my gears significantly :blush:

22.3k of 1M damage prevented, sure very hard

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the one you fought doesnt have 1040ED on gears. it would be better if he added it to the set :slight_smile:

Some eternals can be usefull. Donโ€™t discard them all. Iโ€™m not keen on eternal pets. They have totally random affixes cannot be changed and itโ€™s a billion to one chance of getting every affix you want. So I like legend pets


Iโ€™m still not good when it comes to PVPโ€ฆ Need to increase my damage output I guess

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My ideal eternal pet would be 20 to necrotic, skullshield,reclaim,recall and summon lol. Virtually impossible. But my crafted legend pet has 10 to 3 of those. I will get the full list if I keep topaz my pet stats. Top tip comingโ€ฆ Adding affixes to a pet costs 5 topaz but you can still add with only one. So itโ€™s cheaper to gamble a single topaz than with a stash of 100 topaz .

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