Feats : repeatable or one time?

Hi guys. Bit confused here. I could swear i have completed feats, recieved achievement too, and then when looking in codex, its like they reset, or restart all over again.

Is this true, or is there ranks?

Kinda confused :confused:

I think this only occurs when you reinstall your DQ client and download saved data.

Well it says repeatable in codex… but also kinda hints at completion of feats… but seems can never really ‘complete’ all feats.

Anyways, think i understand. Ty.

Feats are now no longer cash data so when you clear data on DQ you don’t lose progress… that means if you completed a feat then cleared data/uninstalled then you dont lose progress but the rewards wont be saved, this is good and bad… mainly because people used to abuse that you could kill mythic enemy then reset the feat if you didn’t get the right drop

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Interesting. Thanks for info :slight_smile:

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