Funny PVP fight videos from the arena

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Build spoiler included but I’m far from finished making builds

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The stupid mancer revisited


The daily grind of the eternal league

last 2 videos were really nice to watch. I like that come from behind win you had in the 1v1. those minion meat shields were great in the 2v2. after a few draws, those poor minion meat shields ended up becoming terrifying minion monsters.


Minions via apocalypse mythic are the most reliable procs :slight_smile:good on immortal. Tie your opponent up. Gain draws . Power increases. And so does minions damage. I need to change my attacks that spawn minions to something more rapid and evasive


Look ho i find on my way to mythic div 2 :sunglasses:

Is funny! I toutch you, you instadie!

Dont worry men😉, the win is your’s, i had to wait 3 rounds but the chest is yours!


It would have been nice to see a video :slight_smile:I will keep an eye out for you in my matches and video it. Close match :slight_smile:thanks for the feedback @ZOMBOY

Lol @Mr_Scooty read above. It’s all getting competitive in the arena again


@ZOMBOY I’m working on a rogue with high bleed, immortal and with insane procs. I’m almaginating all my previous builds such as chimera, apocalypse, very low level pvp, deadly sins and the immortal @Mr_Scooty revealed.


Very early work in progess

Remember this, think out of the box and what is difficult becomes easy :wink:!, and by the way, it was not close the match, i just let you win :wink:!


We shall never know :slight_smile:

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Tell you this @ZOMBOY. 2v2 is a pain in the ass !

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The only way to do it is treat your hireling as a useless and weak minion to distract your opponents long enough to develope a game plan . AI is shocking

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Not so sure​:thinking::thinking:, you and all your minions die, and i just tap scalp, :thinking::thinking:, if you get some hp and power maybe i cod work out, think like this, your minions cant die if your alive, they cant win if you are death, you think to mutch about them, i dont mean to hurt minions feelings but they need to give the power to you, you have 0 survivability becouse of them, dont show this post to minions :joy::joy::joy:!

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There’s a damage reduce mythic that reduces damage for every active minion I think ?