I wonder what a build using every talent would be like?

It sounds crazy. So I got to have a go lol

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I have thought about that, and if you don’t want the build to be a bad one, you would probably want to just do all the Talents in one Talent Tree, like all Elementalist, Defender, or Ninja. doing all of 2 Talent Trees could be cool, but that would require some serious crafting, something along the lines of a 7DS builds difficulty. if I wanted all my Elementalist Talents to be 40, that would be 12 spaces on my gear. +18 more spaces if you want to have 2 Talent trees with all Talents at 40. if you want all 3 Talent trees, with Item Talents at 30, and all the rest at 20, that would be 22 spaces to get all that. if you want all Talents to be 40, that is 48 spaces to make it work.

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