Justice For Rogue

In The past versions of dq we can win pvp or defeat all characters in pvp by using pure rogue not rogue/war or rogue/wiz as well as pure wiz and pure war can do that. But what happen now? Pure rogue is useless? In the current version of dq pure wiz and pure war can dominate pvp so easily but how about pure rogue? It seems that its hard to dominate pvp using pure rogue now.
Hey clogon i challenge you to build a strong pure rogue build
I repeat “PURE ROGUE” not rogue/war or rogue/wiz! Thats our point of why we are asking justice for rogue!

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Justice for Rogue! whatever happened to equality?

25 posts were merged into an existing topic: Justice for Rogue! whatever happened to equality?