Looking for extensive testers - eternallized set. suspected broken

Hey guys. Some of you already know me well, some of you dont. I spend ALOT of time running tests collecting data etc. Its unfortunate i discovered this game at a time when the devs may be moving on to newer things, but i feel this game has a legendary quality and it shouldnt just be left in the past. At least, not until the array of issues / bugs are sorted out.

recently i have discovered what appears to be a complete failure in the eternallized set mechanics.

what im looking for is a few people who would like to experiment and test a few theories, thus expanding the collected data by a fair margin.

Requires full access to all eternallized items for a complete eternallized(8) build.

if interested, private msg me here in forums, or contact me here in our discord community. ty.


Thanks @UniquE and @PaNgaHazZz . Let the tests commence. :slight_smile:

More is better, if anyone else would like to join.