Looking for Warrior Build T_T Can Someone Help Me

Help Me Im Currently at Floor 355 m3 and Looking for a Guide in Floor Hiking and Farming.
Can somebody give me some Idea that I can start with?


Advice - used easy map until youve reached 700 + floor
Find the SDS item for newbie farming it will help you in starting farming :grin::grin:


Go to the highest floor you can on easy. Drop it by 200 floors and change difficulty to mythic 3 . By which time you will have the items to climb.

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but is there a chance like future item set for a pve Warrior?

Explore side by side the game and even you, can create your own build no need to copy build like others,

try this

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also try the crushing flames set with at least 20% crushing blow if you want to floor hiking. it still deal high damage on high hp enemies.

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Easy way: poison + blight :gentlemanparrot:

Thanks Thanks for all the Info