May Hemm's Diary

May Hemm’s Diary Day 3 Week 10 Year 1

Dear Diary

Ascension was fairly painless. I overheard someone say that it should be done for the first time after reaching level 200. Well I was already at map 251. I also overheard someone say that for the first ascension that it is wise to choose 300% crystalline and mythstone find.

It sounded pretty good to me, so I ascended. That was yesterday. I thought I would have a problem getting back to level 200, but fortunately with the aid of my friends Emrick and Gaelid who did the farming, and a wise move on my part to buy as many maps as I could from the floors I had already visited. Along with the ability to keep both my weapons, trophy and pet. Today, a day later I am on map 258. I know, it sounds incredible, but perfect planning won the day.

I also constructed some new cool gear along the way. Here take a look…

Now I make the push to map 350. My arsenal only needs a little bit of tweaking here and there. I am looking forward to being back in the Arena. I’m already in Legendary there. Until next time, friends. Sweet dreams…

May Hemm’s Diary Day 4 Week 10 Year 1

All my friends keep asking me. How did I do it so quickly? Well here’s the details.

Naturally I didn’t start out using my own weapons. So I first pressed on to level 5 where I bought my first Legendary Pistol set from the Codex. Using a peridot crystal as needed along the way. The first 30 levels were tedious to say the least. After acquiring a full set of temporary gear. I used a map I had bought previously, and immediately jumped to level 101 where I hammered relentlessly at the critters there easily reaching heroic level 50 where I could once again don my old gear. After some adjustments I then jumped again to level 200, hammered some more critters, made heroic level 67 then immediately jumped to Map 251. I am currently heroic level 71 on map 258 and with my new toys nailing everything in sight. My HP is a little low for this map level, but my quick wits and fast acting keeps me alive and well without having to respawn too much.

My new gear is awesome. No problems killing anything, only in staying alive. Lol

Later, friends… :sunglasses: