Mechanics behind total effective luck, gold, and item drop %

The only questions I have left are:

  • How are dead followers handled?
  • Are the stats no longer averaged once dead?
  • Do we keep the 100% item drop bonus if our follower is dead?

Edited OP for all updated info. See that.

They do, for now :smile:

Having your follower die does not change averaging at all. It’s the same as if they were alive.

That all said, in 2.1 we’re looking to take out averaging in favor of always picking the highest stat. This will apply towards Crystalline, Eternalized, and other reward boosting effects as well.


since this thread topic is about luck and gold find. just wanna ask about lagend map affix *Luck and Gold find. as i informed map affix effect whole map while luck 1000%/gold find 1000% and drop 1000% only effect carto chest.

for lagend map affix luck and G.find both max roll is 500. does that affix from lagend map counted if i already have max luck and g.find.? i mean does that affix give luck and g.find beyond cap.?

Map Affixes will go beyond cap :smile:

okay thanks…

Etetnal map :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: haha

Hello @SteigerBox… what about this?

Averaging happens before any Map Bonus is applied

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that cool. lets take ocenyx stat as example Main have 350% luck and hireling have 950% luck. as u say averaging happen before map buff. so let take out the buff out first. so main have 0% luck and hireling have 600%. by averaging main have 300% and hireling have 300%. now insert back map buff. mythic 3 +350% luck. = main 650% hireling 650%.

tell me if it correct and fix me if it wrong. thank for that valuable infos anyway

Makes sense. Thanks for clearing that out! Assuming cronos is correct, now I can make a full-loot, combat-incapable ardent to take on higher maps and not miss out on loot :smiley:

Jesus this is a goldmine of info regarding my past question/s about GF/MF/ID!


This is my target as well! There has been suggestion/s from other thread/s that the hireling will be your DPS character, and main will just be a stat boost. I kinda don’t like that kind of gameplay since it takes away the fun in bombarding hordes of monsters. I hope we can dress our hirelings with stat buffs and our main with damage buffs! :smiley:

Personally I’m planning to play using my DPS character with my loot argent as hireling. Now, if Hunter, Eternalized and Crystalline will carry over from hirelings…

i think dev give hint already about 2.1 content but not so into it, so i forgot which thread i read. but as i remember dev try to remove averaged think from game. like example main got 0% luck but have 500 G.find while hireling have 500% luck and have 0% g.find… dev try to make as the higher will lead mean it will count as your luck is 500% and G.find 500%. also read that they also try to make set affix buff for looting to take over as well. let say ur main dont have +4 set number, but u equip eternalized set affix. eternalized (1) chance for lagend drop as eternal is 50% while ur hireling have +4 set number and equip eternalized, eternalized (5) chance to lagend drop as wrernal is 250%. when it come to lead. ur main 50% chance for lagend drop as eternal will not take the lead. it will just count from hireling, i mean your chance for lagend drop as eternal is 250%.

#This not what dev actually say. but the hint lead me to this. just dont 100% believe this, just wait until dev tell the real content.

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i just read this thread from above back. and the hint i read is in this thread. look at all steiger reply. u will find that as well and probably ur brain and thinking will lead the same answer as mine lol

Updated main post for some small changes and rearranged last section

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Hey Steiger - is the item drop bonus on top of the 200% possible if both main and follower are capped, making it 300%? Or is the 100% added to the average and still capped at 200?

Does Eternalize/Crystalline/Mythical works even though your hireling does all the killing ang you, the main toon who wears it only runs around?

as of now only work on main. need to wait for confirmation from dev about 2.1 new farming format and content.

Yes if your main is wearing it then it doesnt matter who kills it afaik.

Damn, I got two separate answers. 1 for cronos and 1 for twa. LOL,

The reason for this is that most of my farming gears Eternalize/Crystalline/Mythical is on my rogue and my dps there sucks while my toon warrior has a very high dps w/ max luck so all the kills goes to him and I am not sure if what I am doing is right.

To clear it up.
Farming set affix only works with your main (Eternalize/Crystalline/Mythical)
It doesn’t matter if anyone of your chars kill a mob.

Your Luck, Gold find, and Item Find is average when you have a hireling.