Making Wizard Great Again!

Boom, the tuning and tons of crystals paid off :smile:!!

Standing tall against all Warriors and Rogues :sunglasses:!!!


strong legit wiz. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


Yeah :blush:!!

Faced you a lot somewhere in between :wink:!

i will be back in the game…after 3 months. :smiley:

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Keep going, I’m waiting for you!

Btw. big thanks @CuzegSpiked, couldn’t have done it without you :heart:!!


Yeah. Still not done with my rogue yet. Gonna ramp it up and test. Also 2v2. I can see you doing 2v2 well too. Still not done with 2v2 yet.

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Congratulations!! Welcome to rollercoaster… :sunglasses:


Yeah, once I’ve filled up my crystal reservoir I’m gonna give it a shot :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :wink: will take some time.

Thank you, yeah going up → down → up → down :sweat_smile: at least I know now that I can reach the top, and redo it when I find some time. Gonna improve my AI a bit in the next few days I guess.

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Glad to have you at the top with us!!

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Glad to be up there with you guys! Learned a lot in the last few days and tried a lot of different tactics until I found the one that brought me here!


It’s been a great pleasure too :smile: . I’m glad I’m learning as well as you. We’re all learning and growing. That’s the best thing. Showing those cheater that none can mess with us and that no need to cheat for top. Also I can’t wait to get enough crystal to prepare for 2v2 as well. 10/10 would do.


I have been playing DQ for a long time. I’m still learning stuff everyday. This Dungeon Quest puzzle is huge!! No telling what will be running wild in the Arena a month from now!!

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Strong Wizards!!

SACHZNA_LAPARAN is basically a Wizard with his Rogue too :wink: many wow, much impressed!

Okay I was second when I saw that, I admit crushing KO.SI.PAT before I took the screenshot to be at the top :yum::sweat_smile: