[Open Beta] Test patch 2.0 bugs? Put them all here!

Hey! It happens if you dont have a proper connection during uploading or downloading. Please contact the support, if you want to get the feat progress back: support@shinyboxgames.com

It’s continuing to fail to count legends collected or mythics created - I’ve just created this

and it’s not showing here

nor are dozens of legends I know I’ve collected before, or legends I’ve collected since the 2.0 release.

I will try an upload / data wipe / download and I will contact support to see what they have to say.

Edit: after upload / data wipe / download it is now acknowledging even fewer of my legends and none of my feats:

I suspect this is a separate issue from the known issue with upload/downloads on a poor connection, and request that it’s logged as such.

Just contact the support. I am not able to help with account specific problems.

I have contacted support. Thank you for your time and consideration.

My imp wouldn’t pick up these blue items that landed under this shrine. He usually picks them up, since my loot threshold is rare.

I’ve also seen this with blue items on the edge of the playable area.

i has a dps bug in my items :confused: pliz fix it http://prntscr.com/8scywv , http://prntscr.com/8sczjz only MH weapon and OH

please contact support.

@Dahaka Can you tell us how to reproduce this bug?

Can you send me the screenshots of your build via PM pls? So, I could try to reproduce the bug with the same condition.I don’t have access to any save files.
you too @Godfather

Only updated my account to 2.0 i entered in arena and when i start pve all my character nerfed items i go test how to reproduct it

Same one’s as I have been – Boomerang, Whirlwhind, LayTrap, and Command.

Please send me screenshots of every piece of your equipment via PM. Thank you. @Ircher

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A post was split to a new topic: Various Suggestions

Move item screen is locking up about 50% of the time and it won’t allow me to exit. The only thing that clears it is a force stop. I’m using Kindle Fire. Thx.

Hey! Noted. Thank you for your bug report :slight_smile:

when picking up items and inventory is full. I delete an item and click in empty space and I’ve already picked up another item but it doesn’t show in the space. But it does show on the screen at right.

Also, a suggestion. Make character AI adjustable from within conquest mode settings while playing. Instead of having to quit each time to change it

Hello, just sharing as I noticed it while checking the codex. Is this intentional or a visual bug?

There are currently a lot of bugs and abuses with it and fixing them all requires a lot of time. I do not know when this feature will be reimplemented.

Hey, you only have to read it for getting the cross (just click on the entry)