Pvp build help

Anyone can help me tweak my build to deal with wizard that just spam skills in the fvckn corner? Thankyo in advance. Im in 1v1 eternal league.

This is my build

Correction on my necklace. I have 20% poison dmg on my amulet instead of multi atk

Poison generally isn’t good for PvP and elemental crit isn’t the best idea since flawless victory is a common thing in eternal league so you can’t always crit or elemental crit.
Coat proc will also have tiny chance of activation so it’s not worth the slot and even if you had so much elemental Crits , the poison clouds won’t often work on single opponent, especially if they move alot.

A good element in PvP is shock because it increases your damage by 12.5% each attack and ice is good because of the slowing of enemies, damage reduction by 25% thanks to the Debuff . Fire isn’t so good anymore and poison dot since Perseverance affix reduces them to null now. The bleed from fire especially becomes null compared to bleed from other sources. Also the elemental crit is not that easy to achieve.

Stun elemental crit and ice is also good but again, not too practical to constantly get most of the time. Stun now has 1 second instead of 3 seconds. Also they potentially get Frozen resist and/or stun resist and even then, flawless victory also prevents most elemental Crits by reducing their chances by 10%.

That means you need a good amount of slots to achieve it and even though coat proc does work, it won’t activate everytime so it’s not all that reliable. As for Crits, well coat proc isn’t the best way. You can do it better with crit chance honestly.

Even then, it’s good to think about damage reduction and damage . 100% ED aka poison damage isn’t worth it in PvP since it’s only 28% which isn’t worth it in the DPS formula and you’re better off with Flat ED of 5000 .

Try looking at armour and resist formula , the DPS formula for the PvP affixes on your build , look at the guide for DPS formula for PvP if you want , etc.
Also have a look at other builds if you like and even bonuses.

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