[Reports Only] Report Cheaters & Hackers

Please Ban this Guy ,Reason: Hacked Eternal Set

Can someone check this account please. It’s been reported yet he is still in the legit eternal league

Reason: all 6 chars has eternal trophies pet, rare eternal legends and modded eternals.

Pure cheat

1 Like

Well huh… :grinning:

I like Ur Hp but not enough… LOL

Obviously all items as well as pet are all modified / hacked. The player’s other character have modified items as well, pretty much the same setup as the rogue.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Finding Cheaters & Hackers Discussion

Another Cheater Obviously Modified Pet

Playing an this guy murked Me. I didnt think anything of it but his eternal hammer name.

crimson blade? Don’t know bout some of the other gear In question

Two more

Name glitch? Unlikely. Sera’s set affix is Ascendent, right?

I’m Have My Eyes On You Cheaters. Please Make a Move About This Account

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Finding Cheaters & Hackers Discussion

Reason: Epic pet with set affix.
His gear seemed a bit off too…

legit or not?

His items are legit tho. But how is this possible? T.T
Can someone please check?

Kindly Check This Account. Tnx.!

Eternal Pandora with Terrashaper set affix

He had eternal pets on all characters with perfect pvp affixes

Hmm, apparently I didnt screenshot anything obvious and I don’t recall circumstances. Look him up if youd like, otherwise, whatever :stuck_out_tongue: