[REPORTS ONLY] Report Cheaters & Hackers

Here it is


Ok so here is an all new type of hack I haven’t come across before but is completely game breaking for us who enjoy pvp. Whilst this is happening nobody can participate in pvp at all. When entering the arena with this character there is no toon to fight. You entered the arena with nobody to fight and sometimes there are some strange graphical glitches. Here are the ss to show what I mean:


12 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Discussion Only] Cheaters & Hackers

It’s illegal, right? GG

Edited pet, i checked codex there’s no wish with that set.

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Edited all items. Still not in eternal league in 2v2 :smile:

Also: This one: I can’t say for aure if he cheated, but having three different (!) Eternal pets with the same affixes seems fishy.

Flagged cheaters, thank you!

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9 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Discussion Only] Cheaters & Hackers

all removed @dust, @kajfik000



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Sorry for low visibility. This is from night when I use Twilight app for low brightness.

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