Sets for custom?

So, should I apply set affixes on mythic equipment? Yae/nae?

Yes. Mythic equipment can allow anything added and Set affixes are a huge part of a build.

I know that., but SHOULD I?

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Ok got you. Didn’t see second part of the sentence.

Lmao. Glad you are understanding :wink: .

I’m trying… I somewhat decimated Diablo 3 with a 1.9m dps glasscannon wizzy, and did a LOT of grinding. ( xbox 360)Reached paragon 350 or so. But this game, the more I learn the harder it becomes? Trying to create some synergy but it goes further away… Lol.


It is quite the complex little monster. Lol

Dungeon quest or…?

Yes Dungeon Quest I think.

So, mythic items give nifty lil attributes, however, I feel I could get more out of equipment without them. Like… The resource mythics are worth it but it seems to occupy too much with both mythic and set affxes. Your thoughts?

You can only use one resource mythic. Using resource mythic sometimes help with MP problem. Also, using sanctuary mythic gives more survival.

I know about the multiple resources. And didn’t know that about sanctuary… Care to elaborate?

Sanctuary Mythic saves you from fatal hit and heals 10% of your HP. It makes you invulnerable for 1 second and occurs every 30 secs. A good combination of block and dodge if I must say.

Miss the days when it was 2seconds of invulnerability. XD it was too OP then

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Eh, I’m not concerned with not dying. I need to get a little tanky and still maintain dps.


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On that note; plagued build for maximization of posion build and AR.

Plagued Bonus is good for storm and yeah plagued is generally good.

That a good boost on your Storm DMG, HP and AR if your planning to use this on arena.

True. Only 28% to MH but it’s not that bad. I miss when it took 2 set slots for plagued bonus in arena but 60% increased MH to storm.

600% MH storm default. Identity increase that by 37.5% in arena , plagued bonus by 28%, 2x push the limit or eternal item with push the limit for up to 36% , +3 storm epic affix in arena.

This is: 600%×1.375×1.28×1.36×1.15= 1,651.584% MH storm in arena per 0.25 or less seconds. My discordance orb rogue can get this high of a storm if I swapped orb to storm or slightly higher but yeah.storm better off as proc imo but it’s all up to you. I won’t stop anyone.