The Question Thread

Approx 5 yards without magnify

is the dps worth giving up an affix slot for?

Depends on what affix u are about to remove.

For pvp? I don’t know about that, only used it on pve and i used to deal like only 600k dmg on mobs so cant actually see the difference.


A question relating to the Haunting set and the fear cast on enemies.

Now I know it says any CD equal to or more than 5s that it’ll cast fear on an enemy - but does this still apply even after the effect of clear cast or anything that refreshes the skill CD to anything below 5s ?

I’m asking because I’ve decided to try it out with aftermath.

Having meteor and shatter reset their CD’s to see if fear is cast more frequently. But I can’t really determine it.

More for arena than PvE.

Yes. It actually does work well with Aftermath though as I tested.

As long as one of the skills are 5 seconds even if you reset CD, haunting will cast, especially great with Clearcast.

That haunting will make any type of fear increase your MH% by 100% which is huge and easy to use with aftermath. It can make that 750% MH meteor into 1500% and with hero points, it would become 3000% MH strike easily. With push the limit, your meteor could get to 4500% MH DMG on the enemies after fear applied instead of 1500% or 2250% MH DMG.

It isn’t too hard to setup but it still takes some practise and totally worth it.

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This is useful information thank you.

And pretty much all of what you mentioned is what I had in mind. Can imagine it’d work wonders with
my scoundrel and ninja build too.

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Haunting and warrior totem build would be extremely effective. Just do any kind of warrior build and press fear and win. Easy.

I mean haunting doesn’t specify what kind of fear affects MH% DMG so any fear works.

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A few noob questions:

  1. Once I ascend and say I get Fortunate perk, will I need to do this for the hireling or only the main to max stats?

  2. Where can I find max stat values on gear. For example, what is the max value for +HP on legend/eternal gear? Same for other stats (crit %, crit dam, etc…)

  3. Once I reach level 99 for the first time, should I ascend right away, or no?

  4. What is the best way to level up and ascend a 2nd time?

  1. Main

  2. For this you’re gonna need to max out the quality (using emerald) and level (using peridot). What I do is I pick an item which has an affix that I like ex. A push the limit affix, I’ll remove the affixes which I don’t like, max out this quality and level of the item then proceed on placing a diamond to max out that ptl affix then proceed on placing obsidian, rubies and topaz for other affixes( in this method you’ll likely to get more perfect affixes than manually trying to max all affixes using diamond).

  3. It depends if you want to farm higher level eternals then you should stick to 99 but I think that you should really ascend first.

  4. Enshrined and hunter perk but you can also put exp. Gain in every gear you have. Also having nadroji and nadroji bonus will help a lot. In farming for level just go buy a map 200 then larimar it until you get pack size. Then it should be good from there on.(level 200 mobs gives as much exp as in higher floors) so no need to go to floors 500 up to farm for more exp. Plus map 200 has the most pack size, item drops and legend drops compared to other maps.

Hej all!

What do you think about this one - it´s for roque(bow) hireling:
Frozen - Ring
Permafrost - Armor
Epiphany - Hood
Masochism - MH
Defiant - Amulet
Momentum - OH

60% CB
60% DS
Max Critchance
Max Critdmg

Is this possible?
How could I have e.g. Defiant on an ring/amulet? Or it´s not possible?

Defiant come with MH wp, OH wp, armor and sumthing…don’t quite remember what it is :sweat_smile:

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Is there a list or something, where I can find what sets come on what items?

Then I could make a plan, on how to realize my wished equipment…

Your codex has a list of all sets for all classes. If you want set descriptions then use the dictionary - sets.

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Best defiant MH and OH

MH - Mutiny

OH - Insolence


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It´s really uncomfortable to look ingame sadly

Once you’re familiarized with the sets you’ll eventually experience its usefulness.

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But it´s hard to know, what set´s are possible on amulet, MH, OH and so on…

Is it possible to get Defiant / Momentum as bow?
I guess not and I´m missing an momentum-pet

Hmm find the wizards​ mutiny(defiant) then convert it to rogue using ( jasper)it will become bow(defiant) then about the momentum convert your item first to warrior using (jasper) then use amethyst​ when already had the momentum set affix convert ur item to rogue again.

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So it would make more sense:
MH = Defiant
OH = Momentum
Armor = Permafrost
Hood = Epiphany
Ring = Frozen
Amulet = Masochim

Is that possible?
The only “bad thing” is, that on Defiant-Bow is no %WD or %Barbarian like on Masochism