The Question Thread

Use Masochism Bow, Defiant OH and Momentum Amulet, also pet give Set affix too.

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Thanks sir!

Looking for a good amulet, jasper it to warrior and use amethyst to get Momentum, right?

The rest is ok - I could do this fast :slight_smile:

And I would love to have a pet with Set-affix, but I only have Simba sadly

A pet with Angelic or Adventure will be good :smile:

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Sounds really good!
What I think about - is bloodmagic good, when using Masochism?

My idea about a build:

MH = Masochism(Bow)
OH = Defiant(Mirrorimage or Permastealth)
Armor = Adventurer / Bloodmagic / Permafrost
Hood = Epiphany
Ring = Frozen
Amulet = Momentum

What do you think? IĀ“m not sure what Armor I should useā€¦ And even not what mythics would be good

Use the eternal ring of Epiphany its really good for rogue and also the head w/ Epiphany bonus just remove the Epiphany set affix then replace frozen on it

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So you mean, only change:
Hood = Frozen(with Epiphany bonus)
Ring = Epiphany


What do you think about armor?

Hmm its up to youā€¦ since your using bow exposed is good for that then about the set affix prefer put some adventurer then if you got slot in the OF or helm you can had Bloodmagic mythic on itā€¦ but remember bloodmagic takes your hp while attackingā€¦ it would be hard if your dealing with mythic enemy i prefer other resources mythic on it like Fury.

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Question : What affix would make Reflect Damage stronger ? Will Multi Attack or Extra Attack Chance do ? Right now rfl damage only reach 500-600m crit ( no deadly).

Can anyone tell me what the max level for arena is and what are the rewards after arcane aura (lvl 25 reward)?

Also does your arena level affect pvp performance at all?


@MeRk angelic aura @lvl 25 then @ lvl30 youā€™ll get demonic aura
Hmm dunno about the lvl if it can affect the arena performance
The only matter is your Mmr the higher the harder i think soā€¦

Do rewards stop at lvl 30?

Man it will take a ton of battles to get to 30ā€¦

Yah no other rewards if you reach lvl30
I read some topic before stated that you need 2000 wins in arena to reach lvl 30

2000 wins or 4000 total matches since you still get cup when you lose. I win a bit more than 50% ATM with my pve gear. Guess I should wait till I make some arena sets before doing arena again.


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Does multi attack and extra attack chance affect toss?


What is the + all sets limit in arena? 2?

thanks for the comprehensive reply. iā€™ve yet to experiment on this, but based from your reply it would seem that reactor might only be compatible with the orb proc/skill. i forgot that cosmicorb already deals arc so i guess reactor and cosmicorb wouldnā€™t stack. same with orbit since it would seem that it is neither a skill nor a proc but an entity all on its own. will have to check though to confirm. again thanks for the info!

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Quick battle arena questions:

  1. Is weaken and or effective useful in battle arena?
  2. I hear that heroic points donā€™t count in battle arena. Is that true?
  3. Are plus skill affixes useful in arena? I donā€™t seem them in builds.
  4. Why are the epic +5000 hp, wd, elemental damage rolls better then the 100% legendary affix equivalents?


1.Effective donā€™t work bcz player donā€™t have elements.
2.Heroic skill still have effect but the cap make them pretty useless.
3.Iā€™m not really sure, right now Iā€™m pvp with junk set, not get the green yet :smile:
4.Flat affix is better in arena bcz of the cap, the % affix only matter if ur base stat high, if ur stat r very low, % affix will be scrap compare to flat affix.

Thanks. Makes sense now.

Are dodge and block any good in arena?

  1. Nope. Effective doesnā€™t work. Weaken does work but itā€™s not worth it in arena because you gain very little damage from reducing someone elses resists but I did at one time really benefit from it but that was just one day or so. Not really worth it at all.

  2. Mostly true as the 20 hero points in campaign donā€™t count towards your PvP hero. The only way to get hero points is the + affixes such as 4+ Torrent or higher for CV (cerebral vortex) for any class. As long as the pet has the skill hero point you want or your gear, thatā€™s fine. Another way is the 2+ All Skills Mythstone in arena but thatā€™s not worth it because it only gives 2 or so for one slot as itā€™s not like 5+ all skills in PvE.

  3. You mean like 4+ Strength, 6+ Torrent on eternal item, yes depending on your purpose.

  4. Yes flat affix matters more as youā€™re level 20 so you gain a bigger damage boost compared to % values as they are not high enough to be worth it. There was once a time when people did use them though in arena but that was when arena was all about DMG and no tank at its first inception with stealth skill being OP but that changed quickly so flat ED only is best to gain DMG whilst saving slots for things like Stun Resist, HP, etc.

Flat HP because most gain but you do still use % HP from crystal affix and Balance affix because that significantly increases the flat value since the flat value can be 6-10k alone or more before multiplication.