Twitch Stream : Eternallized(8), floor 2 boosted pet farm. Results are in

Oh gotcha I misread your post.

lol np. one thing though. i dont really feel any of the crystals are that rare, as long as you utilize every tool at your disposal. so far ive burned through 30 or 40 amythests in a new account only a week old. been streaming a cs farm build from ground up.

what IS interesting to me, is that the amythests seem more rare then even obsidians. 0.o

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Are you getting those amethysts as drops? Iā€™ve been farming in Crystalline(6) for a couple months now and Iā€™ve had about 20 rubies drop, 5 or 6 amethysts and 2 obsidian. I get plenty of them via converting crystal and eternal items and feats, but they seem to be really rare when it comes to drops.

oh they dropā€¦ but crystalline(6) is only the base ā€¦ you need very good IIQ. dropping amythests and obsidians just this morning live.

but i also convert eternals if need be.

ive pretty much mastered my cs farming, as several here have witnessed on my main account, let alone this new week old zero to hero account

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These are my farming stats and my ruby+ drops are pretty rare farming at floor 600 but rng is rng. I could farm at 500 instead but I want those epiphany items!

lol. yup. epiphany is part of the key.

i have posted my cs force build in our discord build category. feel free to join us.

search dq discord here in forums for invite link.

only crystalline and iiq matter when farming specifiacally for CS.

my build uses crystalline(6) and 370% iiq

the strange thing is that when it comes to the rare/ultra rare crystals, some drop/convert more often than others. on the other hand, sometimes I get into a lucky streak, and things seem to get reversed. I just get happy when I get the crystals when I need them, and wait until I get them when I donā€™t have them but need them. sounds confusing, but DQ is still fun.
keep up the good work @ObiWanKenobi. one thing about this post is that the more focused a build is, the better it is at what you want it to do, but worse at other stuff. the less focused a build is, the better it is at doing more stuff, but not as good as a focused build.
that pesky 36/42 slot limit for affixesā€¦ :disappointed:. still having trouble getting the needed 100 affixes into my poor little build. :confounded:

absolutely. my cs farmer does not waste time doing anything but f500. theres just no need. his focus is all about the CS

if i wanna farm petsā€¦ hes uselessā€¦ floor climbingā€¦ nahā€¦ not his style.

i have other heros for other tasks

CS or bust!

And that sums up the one week zero to hero crystal farm build.

I may still stream content, but for now, with the completion of the crystal farming build, i will be migrating back to my main account.

Have fun DQā€™n it up

Thanks for doing this, it was super helpful, would you be able to post-up you final build somewhere? Iā€™m super interested in what other pieces I need to get to where you are. Iā€™m really close though!

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Im currently still streaming, but back on my main dq account. You can still watch stream same place. And, the build can be viewed by stream or in our discord community builds category. Its still a work in progress, in fact this week i have learned a few more things that have made it into updated build.

Im still pretty new and learning, but lots of great peoples around here. Just search here in forums for ā€œdq discordā€.

Anyways, thanks :slight_smile:

Heres a little crafting with Indras Boon and RNG


Gettin hammered by a snow storm today, so weā€™ll see how long the satellite can hold out.

With the completion of the one week crystal farmer, im gonna be moving back to my main account. Just some general game play and stuffs. Crafting, farming and lots of learning still.

the true power of RNG. maybe you get what you want on the first roll, or maybe you blow through 10k crystals, donā€™t get what you want, farm for 10k more crystals, use 9,999, and then when you have given up hope, number 10,000 gives you what you are looking for. I watched for 5 minutes, and had to give up, too many bad memories. sure, I have had the good roll first time, and other times, spent a few days and lots of crystals to get a good roll. thank you @ObiWanKenobi for showing us that, sometimes, it takes a lot of hard work and effort to have fun with a good game like DQ.

lol. indeed

Doing a little grinding / farming in full eternallized. Im still not convinced the eternallized set it is working correctly.

With full eternal gear, theres no place for epiphany, as the eternallized pieces take up the key slots that you would equip epiphany. This means its not possible to break 1000% luck, instead, max luck i can squeeze out is 950%.

Yet stillā€¦ something just isnt right. i feel i find far more eternals with only the 300% from perk.

So today will see eternallized(8) in the works.

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Awesome job streaming.

whether you like or donā€™t like the results, the rest of us are glad you are doing all of the work experimenting while we farm & climb the dungeons. :laughing: x 10. but I know how you feel, as I just did some experimenting with the slime elemental damage bonus. :confounded: keep up the good work @ObiWanKenobi.

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wellā€¦ i have unlocked f1000m3 already, which is the last loot wall, and as a farmer more so then a power player, i dont have much drive to climb higher or do arena yet. arena actually has a few gated items tooā€¦ but meh

So at this point its just a case of toying around with many things within those ranges and mostly focusing on optimized m3 farming tactics.

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