3 eternal trophies in 2 days

Thank you battle arena :smile:


Been grinding the arena for days. Not a sssingle fff******* one! How can I be sooo unlucky! :sob:

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Methinks itโ€™s so generous on last days i also got eternal troophy from 3rd chest.
@Alkahest think keep going uโ€™ll get more than us :sweat_smile:


@dickwad is it Flawless? or Bloodless? got 2 Eternal Bloodless yesterday. got 1 eternal chest and 10 legends convert to eternal chest.

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Btw, how to convert legend chests to eternal chest?

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@Alkahest 10 Legend Chest = 1 Eternal Chest.

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Oh itโ€™s pretty good.

Thanks @kiane_zaine

@Alkahest welcome buddy. im curious about Trophies. whats the difference between Bloodless and Flawless Trophy?

For what i know, bloodless trophy is good against bleed builds while flawless victory protects you from crits i think.

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One blood less two flawless I think or the other way around :slight_smile:

@Alkahest I went 6 weeks in arena without an eternal chest drop. I feel the pain :anguished: