About the game, and your interest on making it more

Hi!, I’m very old at games, loaded …personally my first computer game on a Commodore 64 when I was about eight years old, low density 5 3/4 diskettes, I have a taste for finding things that I give to the game makers if they are interested, this game o’yours has potential, needs a lot of work, but you can make it into a first class environment meaning not only the whack and sack that is, and so far, proper enough, I for now will stay playing, but I would like to know, do I have in my future playing to have to kill Limorel or something like that, just forgot the name, its the first big boss, again and again? I mean… This game is looped on the four or five bosses? Or the reruns are just because I graduated passed scenario 20, unlocking lots others, after and inevitably, the player goes over all of it again but its not based on reruns, there’s plenty others than the initial four bosses that are the first show of the game, if you have the time and interest, and in the case is all reruns, and you want to improve, I’ll help you out, be quick to answer if you re interested, got about three more weeks for sure, but after that I can’t promise anything, anyhow, its fun to browse on items, its kinda the main attraction, there could be more than just that, got almost a page piled of suggestions and adding, give it later if such, but this one is not optional I just mail it or post it here, its a way to thank for a free game, perhaps an idea makes you do bigger and better, read later for updates or answers.


for me, what makes the game so much fun is the many affix combinations that are possible. at the moment, my Farm Build can’t keep up with all of the ideas I have, and that is just for Wizard. as soon as my Rogue & Warrior Ascending get the last Perk, I can start working on many solo and team combinations for Farming and Floor Climbing, and eventually 1v1 & 2v2 PVP. this is after I finally made a build to smash the floor 200 boss in 5 seconds or less on M3 difficulty.

I guess if I focused on just smashing bosses and monsters over and over, it could get boring, but coming up with different builds to do the smashing with is what keeps DQ fresh and new for me.


OK, but imagine all off what’s fun, can have some more added, some flavor, for instance, towns, this mesh type loads little by little, so set NPC to deeds, the scroll thingy is the best sense giving to make the story concrete, also, haven’t seen much of a story for any, that adds flavor, on the list I’m pileing for Game makers include about how subtle the interface is, any and all adds to how bulky the clientele might get, its good for business, everyday new players is arch a game, this is the type that with adding makes it far, for now isn’t any wisdom application, is muscle and fireballs, but could be big, what did you meant farms? Server farms?. How many to make a development of the game?, did you notice that there could be two levels, heights, on the map?, seems like the engine and C.A.S.E. for models and programming is similar to the one used to make Warcraft 3, can get big and the small mesh load is for the player to process on its own, if he/she sync in with the save game and is a paying customer then he/she can get a lot of extra things, in this me if you drew enough players you got to separate clients that bring money and players like me, zero money but the zest to play long if the fun is up, I mean all of this for gain in business for you DQ, don’t know if you Golem have an in in the game or you are a player only.


Sent you an email with the long list, will give the other things that might come in a the weeks I have left in this thread, there’s three or four things more, not yet enough to put it up, couple of days.


Player only.

there are a bunch of Posts & Threads on Players interested in making sweeping changes in DQ, and the desire of the Dev’s to make some of those changes in spite of the difficulties to actually make those changes, but the fact of the matter is that DQ is different from any of the games that have big worlds to explore.

what makes DQ interesting to many Players is the exploration of the many variations of Builds that are possible in single Character and Duo Character Builds and how well they can perform either Farming for Loot, Ascending for Perks, Climbing Floors as far as you can go, and then maybe even farther, and Battle Arena. DQ isn’t about exploring a World or Universe, there are other games that do that just fine.

Farming is about killing monsters for Gold, Items, Crystals & Myth Stones. there are ways to make your Equipment better at Farming at the expense of Damage & Defense, although there are some Infinity or high floor Farming Builds.


I learn, thanks for the clarification, from the player point of view you are satisfied with the product, that’s great, at the personal level I’m almost through with this game though if I want simple thing to check monsters setup and equipment appearance I know this game is there, and at that i s very much what its to be expected. What I have fun is aiding to find ADDING not changing what’s already fine, for instance, I already wrote the Texas game makers of DQ about a town that should exist and some sense to add so its a story, I need usually a little more content or iteration around d same matters drives me off, the now next mail for them has in the list marking gear that cannot be sold even hitting sell button by accident or and a settings tab to mark any incoming gear to your inventory as impossible to sell unless you remove a mark in the item to sell it, why this? Imagine you are drunk and playing… By accident you might sell stuff, or hit the sell all things, what’s equipped is safe for that kinda marking, you see items on a separate spot, where you drag things and that you are wearing, but that’s part of the interface, in real game programming sense its all in a long list with numbers, an array, some items have a special mark from the moment you drag them to the pockets that mean item in use by wearing, its part of making, at the adding, in such a town would be great that buildings could be upgraded, that you get scrolls like the cartographer gives to a somewhat more elaborate gameworld, what in game making its called Environment, DQ has no environment is always one and only one thing, I just give em stuff that could make the game more for player that want a much more ample variety of things to do, so they stay with DQ, this game probably has a very big rate of players dropping it, that ain’t good for biz, I just help hoping the best, and at the best case if they see the angle I offer and have a job for me for a few months even more the better :D, i 'm jobless, near foodless and with so much harassment by bad people here that I’m moving away soon, this country of mine is kinda bad, and sometimes getting somewhere is just that trying the best possible on any good cause, to that point I even go to work for the World Health Organization about this pest that’s going around, i’m immune to it, got near nothing here were I am, third world country called Uruguay.
Back to topic perhaps you know, if I buy a fairy it replaces the pet dog? Cannot have pet dog and fairy at once? What’s the trinket thing? You probably big at level, i 'm at forty playing only M3.


don’t play while drinking beer, so that you don’t sell stuff you don’t want to sell.

Trinkets are Items you can get as rewards when you win battles in Battle Arena. they can only be used in PVP, even when they are equipped in PVE. there are 2 Legend/Eternal versions for each class, you can look at them in the LegendEx.

you can only have 1 Pet equipped at a time per Character. so a Main & Hireling would have 1 Pet each for 2 Pets total. you can have more than one Pet in your inventory if you wish, just like any other item.


Jajaja, I don’t drink alcohol, I really don’t like dizziness, plus alters capacity to reason and has long term effects on one’s general hability to do, at least for me that is. I was thinking on the possible clients, games that could yield more usually have all of the that to be added and done.
Good to know I can treat the pet with those minerals, the thought didn’t cross my mind, gonna see if I get something added to it.


Beer and playing don’t mix. A friend told me that :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: Okay it was me. Guilty as charged. Your welcome.


Patch 3.0 is when the ability to Craft Pets with 9 of the Crystals was added. looks like you could use the 3 lowest Crystals on them, but it was change to 9 at the cost of 5 Crystals per use.


OK, I’m calling it quits right here for me, wrote you some emails DQ, hope i 'd helped a some, but I just got Limorex again, my offer stands, I’ll be around tech for another month for sure, this game can yield a lot more, but it need some work, if newer, bigger and better is coming, hope something goes right so I can see it, otherwise, at your service as explained.