Account not verified

I already created an accnt but it needs to verified and I already did. But it doewnt make any changes. I can’t log in. My accnt needs to gerified but I already verified it.

If you still have the verification email, can you PM me the link it sent?

I am having the same problem…
I have switched android phones and when I try to ‘Log in’ to my account it says email not verified, so I click resend and the verification email never arrives…
When I load the game on my S2, my character is there, but I get the same verification message I get on my G2…
I am even getting the same verification message on my iPad…
I would love to switch devices, as my S2 is ad free, but the G2 & iPad aren’t because I am unable to log in and retrieve my character on the new devices…
All I need is for one verification email to arrive, but none of them even arrive on the mail server, and I know they aren’t blocked in my email client…

Resent your email link, let me know if you get it. If not I’ll email you the direct link myself

It seems to be getting lost somewhere before it arrives in my email box…

Hmmmm it suddenly appeared when I made that last post…
Either you are very quick, or it took the long way here lol
Either way I got it this time, thanks :smile:

I do not get any email too ( to verify my account)
Could you help me plaese? :smiley: