Account trouble

Can’t log on my account in my DQ app. Why . But I can log it on here :tired_face::mask::sob: help me guys

Account Issues? Read here first .

Did you forget your password or something?

Nope. It’s was the same password I placed in here

Well type in email and don’t type in password and press login. I believe it sends a request to shinybox that you forgot your password and that you can reset it that way if it didn’t work or other password problems. I tried it once and unintentionally sent a request to change my password.

I’ve change my password twice already ATM but. I still don’t know why I cant open it. I just move my account to my new phone but it was already like this.

Hmm… I don’t know what the problem is then.

Me too. That’s why I ask help here on forums . Maybe someone would help me log on my account.

contact support

Did you email me? If so I may not have seen it. I have been out of pocket most of the day, but I am here now. If you have issues shoot an email to and I will try to help.

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I had log it on but. After I had my password back in DQ App, I log it on and it was good . But after I log out it again then log on again for the second time . It says incorrect password. But I’m pretty sure my the password I put was correct. How is it gonna work with the new password as the permanent?

I am not sure what you mean. I can send you a manual password reset from my end. Send me a direct message (click on my name and choose message) and I will try to unblock your account.