Badwolfs top tips

Top tip. Pretend to be an ninja by dressing in black, climbing over your neighbours rooftops and slitting their throats while they sleep. :grinning:

Top tip. Pretend to be an expert on butterflies by walking around with a net and pointing at one announcing “That’s a beautiful example of a ‘Lesser Spotted Gobshite’” :grin:

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Pro tip, be aware of the ‘mind goblin’


Financial Tip: be aware that when you buy high and sell low, there will be those who will tell you that you are doing it all wrong.


Top tip. Make an absolute fortune by convincing space scientists that you have seen a undiscovered planet through your bedroom window by sticking a chappatti on it and taking a picture of it.

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Top tip. Pretend to be Neil Armstrong landing on the moon by putting a goldfish bowl on your head, leaving a foot impression in your cats litter tray under torch light and then saying “One small step for man. One giant leap for mankind” :grinning: