some Set affixes can only be found on items, some can be rolled with Amethyst by any class on any item, and some can only be rolled on items of a certain class. Blood Magic Set affix can only be gotten with Amethyst.
Defiant is an example of a Set that can only be found on certain Items of all 3 classes but not rolled with Amethyst.
Cerebral Vortex is an example of a Set that is only found on Wizard items and can’t be rolled with Amethyst.
Pathfinder is an example of a Set that can only be found on Rogue items and only be rolled with Amethyst on Rogue items. this is one set that is also found on a Legend Pet.
Equality is an example of a Set that is found on items of all classes and can be rolled with Amethyst onto any item.
Blood Magic is no longer found on items, but can be placed on an item with Amethyst. it is the same as the Blood Magic Mythic, so having both is wasting a space. having more that 1 item with Blood Magic Set on it is also wasting space, as the Set isn’t improved by having more of the same set on multiple items. most players use the Mythic version of BM, unless you have a build that requires you to have the Set version instead.