Cannot past floor 350+ without dying!

Here noob build with 650% luck,650% gold find,108,2 Item drop,62,5 ultra rare,300% eternal item find,300% crystal legend item find,i use this set from floor 305,currently stop at 402 due to 3rd ascendant

Note : -always open packsize map
-avoid skyfall map its
-potion nerf its ok but if not more than 50% nerf
-if face thorn bosses run if very low hp,use potion to full it,then hit again,hit frequently if thorn not active
- always keep range to enemies

I need that plague coz i use bloodmagic set and ptl affix,low hp=die i ever try not use plague just 8k hp die too much coz need to spam twister frequently

I still use mythical coz i need to get elixer so far still drop 1 elixer,maybe sometime i will change mythical with adventurer,this not final build it just current build will be changed furthermore

U put Blood magic on ur hat ? For now I haven’t see it yet :wink:
I thought Blood Magic useful only if u have tons of HP and combo with Masochism ? Maybe Fury will be better for Rogue ?

Bloodmagic+defiant enough for pve,if bloodmagic+masochism i use for my pvp equipment,hmm fury i still never try,but i have settled with bloodmagic,coz my hero point 0 intelligence :slight_smile:

there, changed the skull, removed the discordance and changed to 75 crit dmg. idk, but it works for me.
4B crit, enough to one shot mobs on 800 m3

I also changed my pet’s hp on hit into mp bc i get one shotted anyway lol

and, the amulet, changed set affix to demonic.

You know you cant get that neckless under 500 flor right? That said are you a hacker?

You could craft via codex though…

See codex nadroji ring or amulet from strong enemy past floor 100,i just can laugh if see people judge without knowing
See this kid :slight_smile:

I get drop wizard nadroji easy changr to rogue by jasper im hacker?hahaha

Open ur eyes widely see my eternal nadroji amulet compare it with codex im i modified?im hacker?LoL :slight_smile:

Calm down, he/she seems to be new…

Ic my bad i dont report ppl anyway no biggie carey on

Why is it that the lvl on your items are on red fonts??

Its ok,clear now,im normal player,casual player so im insulted if ppl say im hacker :smile:

I said i was on 3rd ascendant,im busy today so still lvl 21 see the icicle level,if im high lvl im not ude low lv pet with noob affix

You did not get me. Im talking about the iLvl100 thing on your items. Mine is in white fonts but yours is in red font. Why is it like that??

Can someone answer my useless question?? This really bothers me as i dont have that red fonts on my item lvl :sweat:

If you’re broken, then go 180-200 with 350% item drops and dealer perk until you get richer. Sometimes you need go back to go ahead.

Current level too low to equip the item. That is why iLvl font is red

To equip lv 100 item must be lv50 im already say that im still 21 and now 32 why still didnt get that?