
Anyone encountered maps that doesnt have cartographer? I just used my legend map and doesn’t have carto.

Hey! Thanks for your bug report. Do you know which floor you were when this happened?

Yes. I have this bug too but only one time. I dont rly know what floor was that. I think it was between 210-250 but im not sure.

I think it was 574 legend map. Im not sure lol. But it is between 570-575

Thanks for the information :slight_smile:

I have a bug when I use one off there maps and kill them in there. There is no portal to get back out :stuck_out_tongue:

There is never a portal on challenge maps. Instead, there is a guaranteed cartographer, who will drop a map for the next level.

Ahhh ok thanks for that info I tho my game was buged :slight_smile: