Curious about the leaderboards

So Im curious about the leaderboards. Sieghart_S.E. Seems like the only legit one thats high rank only because I’ve heard of him around the forums. It says he’s at 15.3k floor so what build would even be able to reach that high? Im just curious and want to know cause I’ve been thinking about it for awhile now haha.

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Crushing blow is the key

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Fire with Immolate & Crushing Flames with Crushing Blow to get rid of most of the HP. Demonic or Execute, or even Electrification paired with Frozen Set to get the last few HP left on the monsters. or some other combo that can get the job done.

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Lol I found that it’s not the gear in the game you need to reach high floors it’s the mind set you have in real life. Hope this helps


:open_mouth: that is true. some players focus on PVP, and only farm for that, and others focus on Climbing Floors, and a few do both. Climbing Floors not going to happen if you don’t want to.

of course, a mind set on climbing can’t get very far without good gear, and you wont get good gear if your mind isn’t set on climbing.


Very true

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My gear still finishes map in 20 seconds on floor 1700 m3


Nice :heart_eyes:

Sieghart_SE is my master and my acc name is KIER currently at FLOOR 46k goind to 50k
You can use Crushing Flames + Frozen Set to reach 13k or 15k … from there you can 1 hit all mobs using CRUSHING BLOW ONLY -----> INFB DMG .


Damn floor 46k legit? That’s pretty insane


Floor 46k ! I would want a bloody medal for it :exploding_head:


I would love to share my gameplay after i reach 50k floor…

i spend a lot of time hiking thats why i reach 46k floor my fastest clear time is 5 sec right straight to carthograper :smiley:

Ive been hiking since last year after my master taught me about how to build well and how to create a good combination of affix …

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TheProdigy is legit too his on 34.4 k
And Zenchan is Seighart_SE younger brother :smiley:

I thnk ( Sieghart_SE )my master is not playing anymore thats why his not progressing in HishestFloor leaderboards.

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he visited the Forum back in July of this year.