Earthquake mythic


I am looking to add a mythic to my warriors weapon (jaspered Vacuus Scipio sword with blinkstrike special) but can’t decide which to use.

I am trying to decide between Cosmic Orb and Earthquake.

From what I can tell Cosmic Orb is quite popular and covers a decent area. I haven’t seen a lot of opinions on Earthquake but I was leaning towards it for the stun effect. Any opinions would be appreciated.

Thanks :smile:

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Melee type - Earthquake

Range type - Cosmic Orb

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I find earthquake to be fun. If you’re looking for a green garden type build with any class that uses sprint, battlemage, charge, etc then the earthquake will activate and stun monsters inside your poison clouds. This ensures massive damage and survivability since they can’t chase or shoot at you if they are stunned.