Emerald crystals suddenly gone

My emerald cs 11pcs suddenly gone when applying into plague hammer then i noticed that while durin applying it turns into white image(plaguehammer) then the emerald cs appeaes;
apply to

Please help me give it back.
Hidden email
warrior lvl99 (BALOT)

Contact support@shinyboxgames.com for support. Redescribe your issue and include the email you used to create DQ account.

Note: Don’t public your email! You don’t want to receive spams, do you?

[quote=“zzvilzz”]Contact support@shinyboxgames.com for support. Redescribe your issue and include the email you used to create DQ account.

Note: Don’t public your email! You don’t want to receive spams, do you?[/quote]

It is the same bug I reported already. Very easy to reproduce. I hope it gets fixed soon. It generally affects new players the most.

Thank you guys, reaally appreciated.
I hope it will be fix. :smiley:

The bug will be fixed in the next patch (not sure when, though)