Fairytail iz back' ๐Ÿ‘†

IJ_WORKAHOLIC this is the first match found you to fight.

And IJ.MAKAROV_DREYAR since fight last weeks. IJ.ERZA_SCARLET rouge hhmm Iโ€™can wait you to fightโ€‹:blush::blush:

1799 turned on to 1811 wins victory.

Crdt :point_up_2: @HawkEye the death sir done.

Crdt :point_up_2: @kiane_zaine the best rouge in game.

Couโ€™z bet makarov in secs.

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Lol funny

Lol my build is not updated. Its kinda 1st or 2nd, meta of hdr and barrage. hope you like my rouge when ive got release it on league :smile:


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I remember my old build on rouge.