HawkEye to train zoro. Be" strongest in DQ

Im at div2 1550 rat,
Maybe my ai affraid vs u ,so he play hide an seek :joy:


@brang @HawkEye: lol. hide and seek. i dont think so. i think it is part of strategy. to give thrill in your opponents. :joy_cat: i just dont like easy kill/easy fight though. no thrill. no entertainment. :joy: :rofl:



I hope my rogue like u, :rofl:

@brang yes. that if you can see my build.

but you cant. :rofl:


Hey how do you hide a build, is it automatically hidden when reaching eternal div?
Just curious thanks

Yes, once in eternal div it’s automatically hidden

Mate player are not active longer. now
Quiting in a long time’ I’m back again.
@HawkEye @kiane_zaine your the one
In only rouge,user. Hahaha my build need
Improve it. To get it up again always. See you there in arena. I’m new in this forum but i’m old player in a game wish i can get the top in long time. Done with a farm now.
I’ll Try to create a new latest build in rouge.
@kiane_zaine need your idea and you @HawkEye :smiley:


@MAGDALO ah yes. i’ve encountered your rogue several times. rogue user with pistol build? right? :eyes:

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Thats Ability of zoro more power with you @HawkEye :wink: wish you stay your ability and more power again.


@kiane_zaine yeah pistol and immortal build use there. So you just share your build with ME’ and your technique.
Hehehehe. :blush::blush:


Hesitate your technique.

I have met you once Zoro senpai but ahhh I lost hehehe

it was 1-3

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Zoro’ is back :point_up_2::grinning:



Totally this the first meet you’r warrior rahkied @MAGDALO


what is minion spell please enlighten me :slight_smile:

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Minion spells are a mystery. But I believe them to be effected by your main characters choice of spell.

the Minions Attack. Summons & Command Minions from the Skills with the same name are melee. Fury & Appocalypse are ranged. in PVP Combat Log, it shows as Minion Spell.

Summons & Command do OH DMG while Fury & Appocalypse do MH DMG (I think), they can Critical Hit & Deadly Strike, Crushing Blow, and Elemental Crit.

Wizards make the strongest minions while Rogue & Warrior are about even in second place (that is what I believe).

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That sounds about right from my 2 plus years as a summoner. I also noted that if you have storm as a spell ( which has a push back effect ) then the minion spell has a pushback too :sunglasses: While minions usually are the same element of the summoner, they can be of a different element if you have an Element set affix or a prismatic talent which is a wizard only talent. So element is a useful set for non wizards.

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