Well first hello! And welcome to the forums!
There’s lots and lots of information thats been posted on here so if there’s anything specific you want to know about, you can either search for it, make a post to ask about it, or Cuzeg has a discord server where you can talk and chill and ask anything you like
The super basics to a build are the base weapon damage and the attack, so adding weapon damage to the main weapon that you attack with are a must… for example
Doing something like this will help with damage a lot, also using emeralds on the weapon will improve it’s damage a bit too
Another thing is heroic skills, adding points into your attack and into ‘Fortunate’ will give damage and farming bonuses to help find those juicy items
You can also improve heroic points by adding them to gear as shown above
The main way to get better is to read on the forums, then test it out in the game
If you want a ‘cheat code’ to the game, try WhirlingBlades from the rogue chakram… i made a post about it earlier
WhirlingBlades’ Potential
The more enemies it hits, the more damage it deals
-Frozen set is a must with this tho haha
Here’s the item i suggest, it’s very customised