Holy death: Died without getting hit (bug?)

WTF!? I just freaking die without getting a hit and without being attacked. This is too fishy :angry:

What do you mean by this? Can you elaborate more. And also can you reproduce the same event?

Exploding propsā€¦ dotā€¦ Orā€¦ the bestā€¦ zombie mob?


You got DoT or TnT Props

I am just walking than death. I didnā€™t got killed by a monster because there is none where i am. No damage just death.

Are you on poison map? If so then poison DOT might have killed your character.

No. I didnā€™t get poison and no there arenā€™t falling things from the sky. That is the thing i just loose all my HP in one second and i have 20 hero points in HP. No monsters around. Not getting attacked. Its like getting a death critical that kill you and no one its doing it.

Is this event always happen? If this event happens a lot, then we should report it.

Last time it happens 5 times. I am playing offline.

I just report this bug.

How much HP does you have? Have you ā€œMasochismā€ Set Affix?

Actually, I know you can instadie using the following combination: Very Low HP + Fast HP Regen + Masochism against Thorns.

i have around 13.7k with regen around 5000. This is just a bug that i found in the game. i already reported it.

I think devs couldnā€™t do anything if you donā€™t describe it properly.

i did describe it properly.

I responded to your email with a few follow up questions.

It is easiest to reproduce this bug with your save game file on my end. Email me or send a direct message on this forum, what your dq account email address is and I will try to reproduce your issue.


Hahahahah im dying :joy:

Why you laughing?? its not funny i lost a challenge map because of this :rage:

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are you still having this issue after looking at your health pool?

No. I am talking about before i start this thread. It donā€™t happen anymore.