How to use an equipment (5)?

How do I get my equipment to stay (5)? Like the equalit, mine is (1), because I have only one part, but I see people using a part too but (5)

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You can accomplish this by using the mythstone elixir. when used on ring or amulet it gives +2 all sets the oter way is to use the legendary affix +set numbers



Because of the +2 set… And there is 2 way to get that enchantment
one is the elixer mythstone
images (5)
And it will look like this

And you can only put that enchantment on the ring and amulet.


@Berot you can’t roll +set numbers via ruby


You mean in old patch?

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@Berot as far as I know +set number affix can only be found on items it cant be put on items using ruby

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@ShadowDragon @KaimBR sorry ruby crystal can’t reroll the +2 set affix… Because of the +2 multi attack :pleading_face: sorry…

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No worries we are here to help each other

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The second way to get the +2 set is to find an item that already have +2 set like this one

You can get it by buying on the codex or from the drop item of the monster


But I see people with an item (5) even without having such status in the affixes or stones


the only way to have a Set (5) is to have Set (1) and +4 Set Numbers or +4 All Sets or +2 of each; or to have 5 of the same Set, like having 5 items that each have Equality for Equality (5).

the maximum is Set (8), which requires 4 items with the same Set and +4 All Set. this would be how you can get Equality (8).

there are a few Sets that can only get to +6 because they can only be found on items and can’t be rolled with Amethyst. Defiant Set is an example.


I was doing some tests and I realized that when buying an item in the codex and if it comes with (2,3,4 or 5) (for example a inferno sword (5)), if you use quatz and remove all the affixes and then use amethyst the new affix set that you will keep the number of abtes (2,3,4 or 5) example: I bought a inferno sword (5) in the codex, I used quartz to remove all the affixes and then I used amethyst and put demonic my sword that was hell (5) turns demonic (5)


Quartz shouldn’t be used unless you really need to use it.

it is better to use Kyanite to take a Set affix off of an Item and then use Amethyst to put a Set affix back on.

if you take off all of the affixes from a Legend Item, it loses it’s Legend Ability and becomes a Normal, Magic, Rare, or Epic Item, depending on how many affixes you end up putting on it. also, you can’t turn an Epic Item into a Legend Item, even if you put Crystal or Mythic Affixes on it.

Legend Item Ability: when using Crystals to increase the values of affixes on Legend Items, the values won’t go below 75% of the affixes maximum value. if affix max value is 100, then rerolling the values won’t go below 75 when on Legend Item. on Normal to Epic Items, rerolling values will give you values between the minimum and maximum of that affixes possible values. having Item Quality of +25% will give you higher values more often than lower values (yes, I tested this after the Dev’s mentioned this in a post). if you aren’t lucky, you will end up spending lots of Crystals to get max values on all of your affixes.


Okay, thanks for the tips. How do I know the class of an item? By color only?

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Normal: Grey/White 0-1 affix?
Magic: Blue 2-3 affixes?
Rare: Yellow 4-5 affixes?
Epic: Orange 6 affixes, and 1 affix minimum will be an Epic Affix.

these are the low tier items. when rerolling the affixes, even with +25% Item Quality, it can take a long time and lots of Crystals if your rolls are very unlucky.

Legend: Red taking off all of the affixes will make this a low tier item.

not sure, but I seem to remember a Legend Item becoming a low tier item with only 1 affix left, but not very often, and this was a long time ago when I didn’t know much about Crafting Items.

these Items won’t go below 75% of an affixes maximum value when rerolling an affix in an attempt to get a maximum value.

Crystal: Teal
Mythic: Purple

these 2 Items can be on low Tier or Legend Tier Items. affixes will be rerolled based on which items they are on. Low Tier and Legend Items turn Teal with Crystal affix, and Low Tier, Legend, and Crystal Items turn Purple with a Mythic Affix.

Eternal: Green

these items have a chance to have a Crystal affix, and only the Eternal Mythic Set Items can have Mythic Affixes. these Items stay Green. the affix values on Eternal Items can’t be changed.



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