Log in problem and reward chest problem

Why I can not log in to my other account but I can login in yahoo mail. The same email and password I used.

In reward chest I got two eternal reward chest but only one appear in the message and when I claim the reward chest, I go to my inventory and I can’t see my reward chest … WHY IS THAT… HAPPENING

Other account? What does this refer to?

Do you create a DQ Account and now you cannot log in?

Missing Chests - Make sure you have the latest version of Dungeon Quest installed from the store that you used to download the app. If you side loaded the app to your android device it will NOT show up as “update” when you look at the app on google play. You need to install the app from google play in order to get the updates from Google Play.

This could be related to a poor connection. If you are using cellular data try using wifi is possible when playing Battle Arena.

If you still have issues, DM me with your DQ Account email address and I will try to help.

Yeah… I have made another account that I’m using in the game to battle. But when I login the forum my other cannot get in.
And I tried to login in yahoo mail with account and password I totally login.

Ok… Im gonna update the game…
I thought that it would appear in the when will you update… thankssssss!!!

… I cannot update …
There is no “update” appear when I look the game in google play…

If you installed the game at first (without using google play) then you would not be able to update from google play.

You could try to upload your data to the DQ Account system, uninstall the game from your device, download from google play games.

Then you would have the most up to date version of dungeon quest and then you could download your save game from the DQ Account system.

Ok thanks…