Missing Chakram? :reversecongaparrot:

Take a look at the right side of Rogue when you cast Special Attacks something happens…

Rogue Farm Build Using Chakram and (Scoundrel Set)

Put some comment for more improvements. :harrypotterparrot:


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the reason you don’t see any Chakram is because you have the Scoundrel Set, which changes your MH Skills to Fast Attack and Blink Strike. you must have Jasperd from a Wizard Staff.

I don’t know how you are doing on Gold, ok, i see 300+ million Gold, but if you start spending Gold, you could go through it pretty fast.

first, do you have 20 points in your Fortune Skill? if you do, you could take off one of the Item Drops affixes, and take off one of the Glass Cannon affixes, and replace both of them with a +75% Gold Find (Epic-Orange). it’s only a +150% Gold Find, but better than you had before. the third Glass Cannon is only giving you +25% Dmg because of Epiphany. your build is already doing lots of DMG, so losing that 3rd GC won’t really hurt that much.