Need suggestion on ascending

Im about to ascend my hireling(from yellow to next level) ive already choosen -gold find+pick up radius and increase gold from selling items. .now which ascend will i choose…thanks😁

If you will just continue using it as your hireling you can choose any perks you want since Fortunate Perks is the only perks that affects your hireling while being use as it is.


So unless i use it as main character other perks does not affects the game

Some of the perks effect your hireling if they have the perk. Dealer is one of those. If your hireling has Dealer, you should get higher amount of gold when selling items from their inventory.


Yup. Dealer is generally my first go to perk. One can burn through a whole lotta gold playing DQ

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Oh, and although dealer is the one perk that everyone points to as working, don’t forget that there’s a formula used to average out luck and gold find between your main and hireling. So… fortunate actually helps bolster your hireling overall stats, thus actually increasing the avg of both. Im fairly sure… about nothing … usually… :slight_smile:

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Dealer since you already have fortunate at your hireling.