Off topic but question

Hey Idk if it’s ok to ask this but i figure why not. I’m looking for other games like this one that are fairly new and have a good drop system and community with similarities anyone suggest one? Ty

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I’ve never found a game like Dungeon Quest for mobile devices. Play Store is saturated with games that are P2W and copies of other copied games. The only other ARPG that is comparable that I found was Eternium, and that game was very P2W. Personal research has led me to believe that this is the only Diablo-esque game you’ll find.


Ya I used to looooove diablo the cow levels , the hellfire torch, the jah runes, all of it lol . Zenonia was a fun app but the pvp I got rank 4 in from a lvl 12 character with op gear that literally killed them in half a second and the battles took .6 seconds so it was dumb I like games with really tough drop rates on great gear


Dragalia Lost. but i couldn’t find this game on Playstore.

I found eternium not liking the attack method well

I play Hyper Heroes, which earlier this year put a big chunk of the game behind a massive pay wall. before, there was a decent part of the game available for free players, but definitely harder to compete. I have played it long enough that I have some strong Heroes, but the new Heroes coming out are making me drop lower on the Power Curve. but it is such a fun game to play, I will keep going until things get really bad.

the reason I said all of that is because it makes me realize how awesome Dungeon Quest is. I could honestly be playing with one Character and having lots of fun without spending a cent on the game. I think the only reason I actually spent money on DQ is that it was for improving how much fun I am having, not to beat some part of the game or get to another level or some requirement to do something.

I don’t have to have a Hireling to Farm for cool loot or help defeat monsters, but having a Hireling makes things more fun & interesting.

I don’t have to have more than one Character or one specific Character to do good in DQ. but having an extra Character Slot or two gives me an opportunity to expand my knowledge of the game and have even more fun with the different play styles of the different Classes.

and the list goes on. I don’t have to buy anything, but if I do, it makes the game more fun to play based on what I am willing to spend. not to mention the great interaction between the Players, Mods, & Dev’s in the Forums.

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I wish I could work for them I love video gaming and designing in depth also

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I played eternium and it’s good but this game draws me in like Diablo 2 which I played and mastered for ten years.

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