[REPORTS ONLY] Report Cheaters & Hackers


Is +skulldraga possible or is it a hack

nothing I can see as an issue with these.

this one already in banned league

But um still facing It on arena

Poor @NUIQUE getting flagged. It’s called farming :sunglasses: Stuff is good but not great. I have eternal pets to make you cry after you level them up ( which they do ). Just luck and sometimes creative ideas on how to use them.

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Hope @Golem is well. I’ve had the virus.

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Great post and welcome to the community @eternal27

Correct gear below - will show the same when jaspered from rogue also.



Hahaha loko Covid 19​:joy::joy::rofl:


IGN. D_messiahs using a two eternal pet I use that for pvp.
Now you can read my own it’s legit or not.


4 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Discussion Only] Cheaters & Hackers

this is yours right

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this account was removed for a different reason…nothing to do with pets.

Sorry @dickwad I must have overlooked your post about having the sickness. Are you any better now??? I wish you a speedy recovery with no issues!!! :blush:

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