So I just learned that explosive can chain explosive

And warning too anybody who is going too use it do not go on enemy immunity maps ever under any circumstances I just had a warrior who I was levelling too 50 for the first time so I had a piece of ascendant gear on and this was no big deal until a fire version of wrath activated in a pack of about 40-50 fire immune enemy’s that where all close enough too each other too get hit by any explosioin that could occur needless too say there was itty bitty bit of lag (and yes it was pretty damn funny)


Farming using fire build can cause to laggy I experience that too haha

Yup but this was more about the explosive chain procing literally the floor under the enemy’s was just this bright shade of yellow because they where all exploding tons of times it was great but it made my game render in spf


Maybe 3gb of ram can handle it haha

Already got that actually :stuck_out_tongue: it started off kind of okay but it you don’t kill em quick spf for you

wow nice just change element for now to not encounter that thing xD haha

Oh no the entire thing is it will happen no matter your element and it will be hilarious P funny until your game crashes in any colour (unless you mean too counter the immunity)

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I can’t breathe. gasp

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we can use ignore resist haha