The Question Thread

Nope :smile:

The status does not overwrite but the animation and effect does. IE Darkness and High Voltage will apply but whether the enemy is stuck in place or walking about depends on the latest CC.

It was never a must. My timemage never used it.

Thanks very much for the info. @roykiyoy
Can i also confirm if there any better way to advance the floors ? currently stuck at M3 407… was thinking to rush to M3 500 before i start farming for crystals to improve my eqs

you can try going to 600+ on epic difficulty then farm some epiphany gears there.

@Dust it is not a must set affix on pvp BUT the dmh boost is good(not to mention that as ur hp goes low dmg inc get biiger)(and dmg reduc from it is really something u would benefit on pvp) i tested w/o it on pvp (my dmg prevented in stat is around 10-15% of my foe dmg) and w/ defiant (dmg prevented was atleast inc to 40-50%+

@Somebodyelse. if u can handle m3. fastest way to hike floor is just by killing carto and dont mind other mobs/stuffs(buy reveal map go to carto location then kill then move to nxt map)

is it possible to have 2x push the limit, 1x barbarian, discordance and 4x red ED% affix?
mp reduce affix stacks additively? can reach 100%? works with discordance?
can you guys get masochism to work? i die just by picking up health orbs or getting healed by fairies
is serenity mythic affected if map has regen nerf?

Yes but I’m p sure it caps can’t remember what that cap was though
And yeah I’ll bug Steiger about it that one is super annoying :confused:

There is no cap but you can only get 80% via eternal chakram/rod/sword. MP Cost and Resource Cost are different affixes so they are multiplicative. MP Cost only affects the weapon it is on.

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hi i got some question and in need of suggestion.

iwas plannin on making chakram build w/c uses eternal fable chak(100%mythology).
im planin il put 10000wd and 100% wd on 3rd slot im confuse if 30%atkspd or +20bomerang would be better? .

also in pve which is better in ur oppinion cosmic orb or bombardment?


usually +20 of a skill means 100% more dmg which means that:

if you have 0 on it you have 100%
if you have 20 on it you have 200%

so if you already have 20 which i assume is cuz you will put hero points there. You have 200% dmg, now the +20 skill will make the 200% dmg to 300% dmg. 200 to 300 it is like a 50% increase in dps.

a simple look at atkspd
30% atkspd doesnt boost dps by 30%. it only does if you initially have 0% atk speed increase. which in turn means that you get less than 30% dps boost.

Now, what you read above is only on the assumption that you dont have procs. if you got procs, then faster atk speed means you proc more. However the problem is, there is a 1 second restriction on procs which in my tests doesnt seem to happen. the 1 second restriction is kinda weirdly implemented.
So, if you are to ask me, im gonna take the +20 boomerang anytime. cuz it is a boost of 50% on boomerang and aspd is only 30% at best, with probably a small boost to proc dps. you cant be sure cuz the 1s proc restriction is an unknown zone. My hunch tells me +20 boomer is the way to go. also there’s probably more boost from the +20 boomer cuz it is not only dmg but other stuff as well. i dont have rogue so i cant check.

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This is only true Chakrams because they are special. For normal attacks, ASpd/APS will not affect your proc rate as it is chance over time. There is no Proc restriction.

i knew it! the proc mechanic isnt normal

so what you saying is that “chance over time”

so if i got a 120% orb proc chance. it actually means 120% orb procs over a period of time. in other words, if we assume this period of time is 1s, then you get 1.2 orb procs in 1 second on average?

ok this just gets more confusing haha. but it perfectly explains why having 120% twister procs didnt give me sure twisters on my previous tests.

Yes, as confirmed by the description, your assumption is correct. Do note that it requires you to be continuously attacking. This is very different from your usual gaming mechanic. But it was implemented to balance out the Rogue which can do over 10 APS and the other classes. It also helps high CD skills.

Chakrams are special since they are CD based. They have infinite CD while the projectiles are out but the CD is reset when the projectiles return. ASpd affects the Chakram’s projectile speed which affects its APS. But since it has a CD>1s, the trigger chance on cast of a Proc ignores APS and just uses the maximum Proc Value.

If you read a description and cannot understand it, please make tell us so we can help relay the information. This is a very complex game and we love to do what we can to help you guys understand it. We are constantly working to improve the Dictionary and stuff so please help us out ok?

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I was technically wrong when I said there is no Proc Cap as your chance to trigger the spell per attack will never be over 100%. So if you only have 2 APS, your Proc Cap will be 200%. (100%/attack) You can search this thread. I am pretty sure I posted the formula.

Trying to get the formula in the Dictionary. But dunno if the Devs will have a chance to do so with the work load they have.

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@kevs926 For Masochism, why not use ‘Resourceful’ mythic to get around the resource orbs? As for the pet, better not use a fairy. :wink:

Just a quick question to all:

Do you, as much as possible, try to max the heroic skill rank of a certain skill (rank 40) or 20 is enough already? I know this will come down on what a certain player’s preference is or the build to be used, but I want to know anyways. :grin:


@Lost_n_Bound it depend on skill/build. but lvl 40 skill is way stronger than a lvl20 skill. (specially if its ur main dps spam skill) its definitely worth to max.

for orb though i prefer lvl20 since lvl40 orb has 100% projectile slow(orb dont move).

is there a list of updated stat caps on the wiki? or did someone make one? can i have a link of it please?

Actually the 100% from 20 hero points doubles skill damage and 40 hero points giving 200% dmv means the damage triples.

I tested this by removing 20 meteor hero points for eg and 34 million dmg got reduced to 17 million dmg in stat page. If I add back 20 hero points, the damage doubles back to 34 million dmg.

That is equivalent to 750% mh dmg ×2 =1500% mh dmg.
If 40 hero points: 750%×3 = 2250% mh dmg.

Any skill can be multiplied like this. Slow projectile on orb is kinda good because it stays in timewarp with reactor and living force helps. You can deal alot of dmg like this if done correctly but it is a double edge sword because it can also be a downside. It really depends on how you adapt for slow orbs.

On the otherhand, slow orbs can stay at a smaller spot and deal huge amounts of dmg in a concentrated spot along with reactor. Orbs deal 200% mh dmg per 0.1 seconds default and in 1 second, that is 2000% mh dmg. I found that I could get that to many 10k % mh dmg for the orb itself. The reactor deals less dmg but I couod still get it to deal close to 10k% mh dmg.
Hit frequency can be very helpful as well.

Here’s one scenario. Discordance swaps orbs 200% mh dmg with 150% mh dmg from blast as well as really low cooldown to orb and lower mana cost.

20 or 40 orb hero points. If you went with 40.

150% ×3= 450% mh dmg. Hit frequency at 40% so it deals %mh dmg per 0.06 seconds. Orb is slowed down though.

4 Multi attack: 450% ×3= 1350% mh dmg.
4 extra attack: 1350% ×1.9375= 2,615.625% mh dmg.
Timewarp with cosmic power: 2,615.625 ×2.4375 = 6,375.5859375%.

Living force: 6,375.5859375% ×2= 12,751.171875% mh dmg.

Push the limit 100% if I wanted to: 12,751.171875% ×2= 25,502.34375% mh dmg for orb.

Orb could deal 25,502.34375% every 0.06 seconds. In one second, that’s basically

25,502.34375 ×17 = 433,539.84375% mh dmg.Not to mention with insane attack speed and very little cooldown.

Reactor dmg deals 62.5% of 25,502.34375% orb dmg every 0.5 seconds which is 15,938.96484375% mh dmg per 0.5 seconds. 31,877.9296875% mh dmg at 1 second in total.

Reactor is best for range but the insane orb mh dmg can be done if orb is placed onto enemies.

Orb is a very powerful projectile even with slow projectile but slow projectile takes more strategy to use while surviving properly because you have to get a tad closer. Even other class reactor builds are still pretty powerful but wizard just has far superior potential. Even without discordance, orb is quite ok dmg.

Both of you are saying exactly the same thing…

Increasing the frequency is not the same thing as decreasing the period. If you increase the frequency by 40% that means that it does 14 hits per second instead of 10 which gives a period of 1s/14= 0.07142857s.