The Seasonal Maidens' Rogue Build 🔥⚡☢❄🔮 (Discordance Chakram Orb Reactor Build) {PvE} Patch 2.5

I’m sure some of you may have tried this sometime but even though i used insane MH% orb and hit frequency, you can make this same build but using Discordance chakram Twister spam because Twister is extremely powerful for discordance and that Large AOE.

Other skills could include storm if you like storm skill and some other Mainhand special skill people love using, especially when used with discordance.

Great example of discordance twister I found with juicy twister video that I enjoyed.

But obviously I have frozen and Effective and this build is old but can be easily revamped.

If you’re up for it, discordance aftermath where you do shatter and meteor but replacing reactor with Aftermath. You will be same damage as you do with orb on this build (over 4000% MH is insane!) per meteor (and option to spam meteor when necessary for so many taunts and crater after damage but less hit frequency.

In the end , hit frequency matters a lot to high floor.

Another option with this build you can try is using vault bomb to move like crazy and elemental crit whilst complete food quick but that’s totally optional. Also Nova Mythic is useful if you want but that’s completely optional optional. This option I used a lot before my PvP days with Discordance Orb but Vial for coat I preferred.