Update on my build😅😅

Your build is for farming or for climbing?

For climbing but I’ve complete the whole ascension and that’s why I’ve currently based on DMG

I think you should enchantment not the dps

Uhmm… wdym?

Arggghh it’s hard to explain but you should base the enchantment not the base damage of your stats… because there is some enchantment that makes more damage if you combine it with the other enchantment

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Ahh… I get it like if I put crit chance, deadly strike and crit DMG will increase my dps right?

For me the most important enchantment is the green affix from amythest crystal they give a good enchantment while the legend affix(color red) is just a support affix to make the item more stronger


most Set Affixes that increase damage are Set (5) for +37.5% DMG. a few are +62.5% DMG. others do damage based on what you put on your Build or by meeting certain conditions. a Build with Masochism (5) and Defiant (5) with BloodMagic Set or Mythic, will average +37.5% DMG with Masochism when HP is below 75%, +37.5% DMG with Defiant while Masochism keeps HP around 50%, and +100% DMG with Blood Magic while Masochism keeps HP around 50%. of course, as your HP goes up and down, so does your damage, but Masochism makes heals cause damage when your HP is over 50%, while your heals work normally when your HP is under 50%. this is just one example. not to mention that many Sets do multiple boosts. like Defiant increase Damage and gives the same % in Damage Reduction.

having all the Perks lets any Build do some Farming, but a Farm Build is used to improve your ability to get the Rare & Ultra Rare CS & MS, and Gold, a lot more than just the Perks themselves.

some Damage, like Critical Damage, doesn’t show on DPS, and some others only show when you meet the conditions for doing extra damage, like the extra damage from Blood Magic when your HP goes down.


Like the adventure affix it will only trigger the effect when the gold indicator is there


How does the Blood Magic works?

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Bloodmagic in a nutshell will use your HP as resource to use your attacks instead of MP.

There are more effects that it gives like your MP added to your HP and I want you to look it up in the Codex for a more detailed read.


I’ve crafted a while ago through mythical and not in sets but it nullified my Mama regeneration, uhmm… is there any good combination with the Blood Magic Mr. Stradmore?

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Masochist maybe

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Defiant is also a good candidate @anon87655529

Fun fact: Masochism was the result of me suggesting that effect when there was an event between us testers.

My version was supposed to be a percent life loss when Hp is above 75% when you gain health. The current one we have is the final result and I dont mind the change, atleast I got to add something for the game! x)

And somehow the set is accidentally perfect with Bloodmagic which is a win win for me! :smiley:


Uhmm… how about it’s MP regeneration, how does it looks like?

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Blood Magic converts MP Regen, MP on Hit, into HP instead. so 1000 MP Regen would be converted to 1000 HP Regen. but you can’t go over the HP Regen & on Hit Caps if using both HP & MP Heals together, at least I don’t think so. I haven’t tested that part of it and am not sure if anyone else has.

@LK_Stradmore thx for Masochism!! I made a Build with Masochism, Defiant, & Blood Magic. I didn’t optimize my Resource management very well, so kept running out of HP to cast Spells, but damage was great. with the damage for Blood Magic going from 80% of current missing HP% to 200% of missing HP% in Patch 3.0, when using it with Masochism, you went from doing +40% damage on average to +100% damage on average with Blood Magic, with the +37.5% damage from Masochism if your HP% is below 75%. unfortunately, Blood Magic doubles the cost of Spells, which is what messed up my Resource management. going up against monsters with Thorns, your damage goes even higher with Blood Magic & Defiant as your HP can be lowered by 90% or more.