Welcome to the New Dungeon Quest Forums!

Welcome to our new discourse powered forums!

We tried to import all topics and users from the old forum to these new ones, but you may need to create a new account as all users did not get imported properly ( we tried our best ).

If you’re curious why we switched from phpbb ( beside it being horribly out of date ) here’s a good list of reasons: http://www.discourse.org/about/

We’re sorry for the inconvenience of switching and do realize that there will be some that miss using Tap-a-talk. However, this forum works wonderfully on mobile browsers as well as on PC. Notifications can be setup through email, so if that was a feature you liked make sure to set that up!

We hope you enjoy your stay here :smile:


I’m lost. :’(

It’ll be okay, I’ll show you the way

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Such a big forum suddendly >.<

New Account lol.

welcome welcome~

Welcome everyone! I finally found the way to this new and improved DQ forum! One chapter ends, another begins, amirite? It has been a pleasure with all of you on the “old” forum and I’m already looking forward to every DQ community member and the awesome and fun times that we all gonna have here… AGAIN. :wink:


Me too :smiley:

hello everyone! and congratz on new forums guys!

Hello! Signing in!

While a change from phpbb3 is certainly nice, I wonder what prompted you to choose discourse…

Anyway, the new forum looks super nice, but is very confusing.

PS: No more beta patch forum?

For a few reasons. I feel it’s the best forum software available to us, a lot of other indie devs like us are starting to use it more and more, the feature set is really nice, and also it’s free :smile:

Just to make sure, we had a few others test it out first to give their thumbs up on it. Once you get used to it I think you’ll really enjoy it.

Also I just had to grant you tester status again, since that didn’t carry over from the old forums.

Hey hey! Tester with the real name on the credits, reporting for duty. Anything else I gotta do or can I start putting nicely formatted complaints in the test patch thread?

After Accessing this new Forum feels like I’ve been transported into another dimension haha…

Edit: Also, it seems that i cant access my old account from the old forum, in which I made this new account for that reason…

@sonophilos @LK_Stradmore both re-added to tester group :smile:

Oh we can now tag people? Awesome :smiley:

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@Vil we sure can!

Hi! New account here! Luckily, my old user was available.

Thanks @SteigerBox,

feeling lost here haha -robinxxiii

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