Worth picking "Treasured"?

Is it worth picking Treasured when not running high levels? By high levels I mean 200-300+ I haven’t found one single eternal or crystal legend item yet, I have found 1 eternal when I killed a mythic enemy unfortunately that was completely useless for me since it dropped a rogue item on my wizard…
I don’t have items yet to run high levels yet. Do the eternal/crystal items first start dropping at higher maps? And in that case would that mean I get no chance of eternal/crystal legends at lower maps like 100 e.g?



Use eternal set for eternal item use nadroji for extremely rare item

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It really sometimes depends on the luck.
Maybe try increasing your luck ?
I maxed my fortune to 20, since that increases your luck, gold find and item drop :smiley:
Also, like what @Eater had said try equipping an eternal item or a nadroji for getting those rare items.
Hm, I guess i’d go for treasured, but if i have like an eternal/crystalline/nadroji, i’d definitey go with dealer, since it really really helps alot :smiley:

You stack them up with Eternalized and Crystalline for crazy results.

Thank you so much guys/girls! Appreciate all the help!