I cant update my DQ version to 2.1 it says my device isn’t compatible!
Hey! Which version of Android do you have?
gingerbread 2.3.6
HI Jack,
We have not released that version for android yet. Typically we do two versions of our game. One that runs on android API (fancy word for Android operating system version) 14 - 23 and one that runs on API 9 - 13.
Long story short, I am having a hard time getting the APK size low enough for the API 9 - 13 version (the one you need). I estimate that I will have it done this weekend and released (02/21/2016)
Any Amazon/Kindle Fire update?
I just finished what I believe to be the kindle patch! I have to do a few tests on my end, then barring any issues I will sub it to amazon tonight!
Hurray! Any idea how long it normally takes? In other words, wait up for it or sleep and play it in the morning?
Also, I’m a bit surprised that Kindle beat out gingerbread, I must say. I’d be curious your OS usage breakdown.
They are in different eco systems so a direct comparison would be very difficult. Taking the whole of the number of downloads on android (almost 5 million to date) and compare that with the number of downloads on/from the Amazon Market place (which I cannot discuss due to nda stuff etc etc) the gingerbread number would be larger for sure.
The hard thing to account for however is the number of initial Gingerbread users (quite high since our game first came out in 2013) who migrated to higher Android versions.
Long story short (sorry) Gingerbread is just as important as Amazon…but I had an easier time fixing our Amazon build related issues than I have with our Gingerbread ones.
Also, play tomorrow hopefully…amazon still has to approve it.
Glad to hear that. Thanks for the info!
Good thing I went to sleep! Stupid slow Amazon. Here’s hoping they still approve apps on weekends…
It is not amazons fault this time, its all me. (I thought I sent this message last night/this morning) I hit a bit of a snag with amazon. Need to get one of the others peeps here at SB to give me a hand. Will hopefully get it resolved this weekend! Sorry for the wait.
Any ETA for this yet?
Update: We recently updated to the most recent version of Amazon’s SDK’s (tools amazon requires us to build games with that run on their store front). Right now Game Circle is broken. We cannot fix this on our end so we have sent a support request to amazon.
We submitted this last night after spending several hours trying to figure out why it wouldn’t activate in game. Hopefully they will get back to us with an answer today or tomorrow. As soon as we have a solution we can ship the updated patch!
Sorry for the delay!
Sad times
Hi Sir tdaniel,
Any update on gingerbread 2.3.6 version?
HI Jack,
Gingerbread should be good to go today. I got a build of it working this weekend and did some time making sure I could get the apk as small as possible. The gingerbread version tends to run on devices with less resources so making sure we could reduce the apk’s file size was important.
Sorry for the delay!
Still working on this! I got the size down but am dealing with a silly crash. Will get this resolved soon and hopefully push out a build!
Good! Then get back to Amazon!
Ok…Gingerbread version just got released. Give it a few hours to propagate. Still waiting on help from Amazon, I sent them a follow up message today as well.