How to level up easiest way possible [guide]

Rogue summoner rock. Don’t know why. But they do.


I know why. You use apocalypse mythic as a mere proc. Then you just make a time warp pistols build. Works for me. You need to vault like a mad man. Have storm for pushbacks. Oh and max block and dodge. I


Ahh its almost like you read my mind. I had a similar idea a while ago. But its better that you execute it, its no good me having ideas but not actually executing them. Or theorycrafts. Thanks to you though, it gave me more of an idea of summon type builds of wizard, and even rogue.


A tip. Include a set affix that changes the elemental nature of your attacks. You have more chances of getting more than three summons with apocalypse


I knew it! Thanks anyway :joy: :+1: .

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I leave you with this old video. Watch very closely A ninja

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Love the playstyle. Looks similar to mine as well. With this, you could definitely make it to the top in its full potential :stuck_out_tongue: . Them reflexes ain’t bad at all.

Also I think a One shot flintlock build can be possible like with LOKHO bow build from the past and them barrage builds I’ve seen.

This could work as a formidable A.I as well, like Clogon timemage sorta. Except with flintlock/bow , timewarp and more. Apocalypse too. A better A.i than mine, thats for sure.

This is like true rogue playstyle, not hybrid wizard like mine is With orb. Well still using storm but that’s it. Storm and Knightscharge, some of the most hitting skills aside from orb.


It’s a suicidal build. Fun to p!ay. @NUIQUE said my toon deserved the name “Badwolf”. But if you want to climb the arena then think twice :joy:


I think its a fitting name that he came up with for your build.