I'm beginning to think that this game is extremely watered down all for the sake of PROFIT

Oh my bad… guess I’m going on 2 months… still.

You are aggressive dismissive and juvenile. I take my leave. Gl


You’re a very arrogant noob. Why instead of complaining about things don’t you ask politely how to do things? We have many experienced players and even devs on this forum who are here every day answering questions made by players. Going full enraged won’t help you because it is obvious YOU are wrong here.


What do you know… another badge. Lol :slight_smile:


The arrogance that I see is from a mindset that continues to seek profit over playability. And a lot of rank-n-file wanna-bes.

I think the fact he ascended 6 times in 2 months shows a great liking/love of DQ. I know you really like DQ too, as I really like your Wildwood_Rose & May Hemm story lines and posts.


To wildwood rose.

Also wow @Wildwood_Rose sure sounds negative . Is it really that hard to just look at those farm stats and say hey, I will max them out in hopes of getting more rubies , get the appropriate Ascensions and spend a little time.

Even me just playing 1 hour a day, I get a full build after 1 or 2 weeks. That’s in the optimal farming conditions too and a farm build isn’t that hard to make. Not unless you like being expensive.

Seems like you’re lazy wildwood . Time is not an excuse seeing as how I can do well even with reasonable time limits. I did have a fast floor farm build for under 5 minutes. Is it really that hard to just take the time to understand the basics of the game ? Don’t make the pay to win excuse and just take the advice to get better at farming and see how well you do then.

Also paying money DOES NOT Increase chances of crystal drops! Sure you can get tons of gold but actually understanding the game is more powerful than paying cash. Yes hirlings do cost 0.99$ but you can make a really good farm build even with 0$ spent (I have even made beastly farm build without hirlings and made some good crystal gains even if it’s harder) .

DQ is FAR from p2w . Yes the paid features do make it easier but it’s not a big cost and they aren’t truly needed to win at all.

Rubies you can get fairly easy from high floor. Get maximum item drops , an easy difficulty where you can defeat enemies relatively well at up to floor 500 , convert Eternals or normal legends providing the hold you have , crystalline set affix to increase crystal rarity to coincide with item drops, grind you character to level 100 after choosing an ascension perk such as Treasured (increases chances of Eternals by 300% and the Eternals you convert have a high chance of a ruby drop and over 300% is a high chance for legends to be Eternals) , choosing fortunate perk for more luck and gold find for the legends drops and gold.

Also by converting and salvaging tons of crystals of the lower end that you easily get and completing crystal feat 500/500 or 375/375 if you got accomplished ascension perk. That can get you many higher end crystals and a chance of ruby.

Also if you found an eternal, crafting with dust and converting Eternals for days is an easy way to get bank on the high end crystals. Dust is relatively easy with maxed out item drops and luck since legends at floor 200 drop like crazy and fill inventory fast so you salvage for dust.

If you don’t understand the game or are frustrated, instead of calling it pay to win, just ask for some help and take the tips people give. The pay to win excuse is outright lazy as this game is far away from pay to win.

If you think DQ is pay to win, play games that literally cannot be finished without taking 10 years or paying 10k$ in one year. A good example is clash of clans , clash royale , boom beach and pretty much 99% of all mobile games in the market it seems. It’s only now that more games are less pay to win and more free to play but you pay as a bonus , however you can just as easily win for free and 0$ spent.

I played pay to win and man, pay to win is so time consuming unless you spend money to the point where it’s just not worth it. They are also much more addictive. Ok boom beach may not be all that pay to win but the amount of time spent is still high.

In pay to win, you either pay or spend years and years on the game which may eventually become stale but also have a huge disadvantage that prevents you from progressing unless you pay an absurd amount of money or you cannot even do anything without paying.

If you really don’t like this game, we not forcing you to play. You are free to choose other choices and other means but it’s all up to you. I don’t like the negative mindset to things you have tbh but I at the same time hope you enjoy something. If you don’t enjoy something, what’s the point right?


Well actually… I been ascended fully for awhile… but that’s neither here or there.

Anyways… I believe this thread has reached all it could.


Or am I so old that I’ve done my work…

You are very short sighted and rude. My guess … teenager to 20 something.

I’m done with you. Run mouth as you do.

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Actually I love DQ very much and have a job and college. DQ has changed my life for the better and actually helped me motivated to pass my grades. Without DQ , I would have had more trouble.

It’s because of DQ that I took math class more seriously and any classes more seriously as well as be generally more concentrate , observative , planning, etc.

I played DQ as an escape to horrible reality and because I happened to be a procrastinator but this community not only helps me at being good at DQ but I took those lessons and applied some cruical life skills more to real life.

I play DQ less because of my job but that doesn’t stop me from enjoying it and because of my new studies. I play other games more too but DQ will always be that one game that symbolises my transition to almost adulthood and reality lessons.

It’s because of this wonderful community that my faith in humanity was restored, I got more confident in people, more confident during difficult times , more understanding of people , learnt through crucial life lessons , that Perseverance and hardworking always rewards you in the end if you’re smart about it , my passion for learning has recovered , I become generally more happier in life and more passionate about my future.

I also used to be super addicted to games but now I’m less so , ironically after playing DQ tons.


I actually like the game concept. I just wish they did not put profit over playability.

Wow complain much? DQ is not more profit than playability. I am pleased however that you like the concept of the game.

I have said it before and I will say it again like a broken record, this game doesn’t need money for good playability. I played for a year or nearly 2 with no money , even as a big newbie and enjoyed the heck out of the game and had great times crystal farming and generally having good terms with the game.

Yes I did go to forums to learn more but that was my desire.

The game was even harder back then but that still didn’t stop me having fun , understanding the game, having good crystal farming, learning from one of the best players , etc.

Because of this, I wanted to be the very best and now im getting there and helping others have a good time. Discord group creation of mine is why I created to help others learn from me and an easier way than PM.

Also I get lots of PMs for certain questions and doubts since it’s only natural. If im that good, I would be able to help them. Also I learnt many things from the process of helping others myself.


I think I read a thread where the Dev’s talked about putting playability ahead of profit. besides, it is up to us players to decide to spend money on DQ. I have been playing for 2 years as a Noob, and I haven’t gotten one message yet to pay up or lose the game.


Im not pandering. Nobody is. I have valid reasons that have been true time and time again.

The only thing gone to shit, is this thread… but that was your intentions all along. Too easy. Good day.

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Smh. Me too.

Good day @Wildwood_Rose . Case close!

Also that thing about U.S was wrong wildwood so bye.

it was a post by cuzeg.

He actually has one. He did early retirement and is very well off in money and his Girlfriend. He has an enjoyable life and lots of time because of it.

Get a life is a stupid phrase used by people who have nothing better to say and a good strawman in an argument when they lost. A lazy phrase and a phrase only used by someone who is annoyed that they’re wrong and use ad hominem to diss on other people’s lives while they live their sad lives.

I have a life too and I played the crap out of this game. My life got even better after DQ lol. Way better. I even made new friends IRL thanks to a DQ friend who helped me with my studies named Teacup. Not just studies but general life advice and he was same age as me.

This life advice obviously helped me in real life. I made friends in college and restored my faith in humanity thanks to him and I went to a program called NCS to learn life skills, campaign for certain issues that need attention , made new friends , etc. Also helped me to be much more confident and gave me better confidence in enterprise skills. Eventually that also helped me get a job thanks to the NCS program in the UK and my friend . Teacup sure was smart and we had a bit in common .

Pretty much most people here have a life. It’s not a majority here that don’t have what you call “life” .


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This went south in a hurry folks. DQ is absolutely not pay to win or pay to play. There are plenty of threads where players help players with PvE and PvP builds. This appears to be a simple misunderstanding about game mechanics. Either way, please be aware of the forum rules everyone agreed to adhere when you joined. I believe this thread has seen enough action for now and I am closing it. Thanks